New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation Rhythm of Rest and Action

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  sharon Lock 9 years ago
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    Catherine Fox

    I am amazed how focused and driven I’ve been this week. Almost been “too high”.. doing the “Fountain of Riches” journal, I worked out that there needs to be a Rhythm that includes rest and recover activities – like going out to Nature or having relaxed intimacy without agenda or schedules. I haven’t quite figured out how this fits in yet, but I realise it’s important. I know that just going all out feels awesome for a while as we burn up our adrenaline and energy reserves but there is no long term sustainability.

    I also want to pay attention and honor my own monthly cycles, as recognise there may be times when there will be less external action and more reflection and rest.  I must be ok with this. Each week can look different.

    Really the answer to the question of what my life looks like – is that I feel a genuine balance of energy expenditure and art, with self care self nourishing activity and rest. That it’s not wild swings from one end to another.  That I have sustainable and fulfilling life now, with daily satisfaction and the capacity/reserves to deal with the shit days and curve balls that are inevitable.

    I’m curious how other people have learnt or discovered their creativity rhythm, rest and action.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is beautiful to see. I am a strong believer that WE living our medicine is the best way for us to create our processes for others to discover their medicine. You’re doing it and no doubt the creativity and insights will come through naturally because of it.


    sharon Lock

    Catherine, Have you come across the book, ‘The Optmized Woman’ by Miranda Gray…
    I think that if you haven’t come across it already you’ll find it really interesting. It talks about honouring your monthly cycle of creativity and harnessing that natural cycle of being a women. Check it out if you don’t know it.. Its great to tune in and understand when is a good time to apply creativity to a project and when is a good time to reflect etc. x

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