I tried the message box, but maybe that’s not the right place to request a reset. For as much work as I’ve done, 95 bajillions doesn’t seem like much <wry grin>.
I can do without, but every scrap of encouragement could help right now.
Man, I love the competitiveness that’s being inspired from the Bajillions! So awesome.
Yes, there was a miscommunication on @andyfreist and my partner on which one of us was gonna do the reset. So once we’re back in the office tomorrow we’ll get it taken care of for those of you who requested it ๐
Okay so, resetting all the modules isnt going to be quite as simple as I thought.. SO, if you’d all just let me know where in the journey you were at when we introduce the bajillions, Ill just manually credit you some extra bajillion to compensate for what you missed ๐
Not surprised that it’s not that simple, @andyfreist. I don’t remember–but it was either in Automatora River or Saless Canyon. I’ve slowed down since (still working, but nothing to show for it yet {wry grin}).
How are the Bajillion credit plans going @andyfreist? It looks like you’ve done some? I just worked out I’m due 2400 big ones – woohoo! Can’t wait! Dr Wayne I’m coming for ya…