New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Replying to a message in a checkpoint I haven't reached

0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  Deb Robson 8 years, 11 months ago
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  • #18627

    Deb Robson

    It looks like I can’t respond to a message that includes me if I haven’t reached that checkpoint yet. I’m in Creatora Heights, and someone in Camp Medias has tagged me on a message. When I try to get to that message to reply, I keep being redirected to the main checkpoints screen, and I can’t access the campfire to respond.

    Also . . . SOMETIMES when I link to a message from one of the e-mail notifications, the link seems to want to sign me in as a WP administrator (the URL I’m lead to has wp-admin as one of its components), and I have to back out to the generic URL and sign in from there, then go hunt down the message I’m trying to read or reply to. . . . Fortunately, it’s not doing it right now, so maybe that bug has been squashed already. . . .

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