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January 25, 2016 at 9:53 pm #13553
1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
10 Steps to Drawing Italy is a travel adventure art class for art history lovers who want to learn to draw. Students will join me as I sketch, ponder the Renaissance, visit/recommend museums, and nerd-out about art in Italy, as they learn the foundational mindset and skills that will transform them into artists.
2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?
I am excited to teach this course because it allows me to revisit my wonderful adventures in Italy this past October with my virtual students and create a body of work celebrating place I love. Also, it marks the beginning of what my biz is all about. Art, travel, art history, and overcoming resistance to create an artful life.
3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.
I am creating this course for lovers of Italy who would like to learn to draw or improve their drawing skills while traveling. Whether it is a stay-cation, and they are traveling with me from their desk/coffeeshop, or a chance for them to get guidance before a real-life adventure in Italia, this class is a fun way to approach their art practice.
4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.
Students who in me on this italian art adventure will part with a sketchbook under their arm that show the transformation of their work from beginner to mastery. They will have a sketchbook that tells the story of their own adventure through life, be it on an italian getaway or exploring the visual world in their home base.
5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?I will use the 10 Steps curriculum I’ve already developed, and create a series of videos, demos, as well as assignments with downloads and photos to work with, to teach them the skills they need to be effective drawers.
I will employ self-reflective and group discussion exercises for students to learn how to critique constructively and learn how to improve their own drawings.
**(just a thought) I will create audio files so that students can have my voice in their ears (and maybe some cool music? Or silence?) as they draw, encouraging them to self-check for certain things on the 10 steps.6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?My eCourse is inspiring and yet down to earth, with the beauty and charm of italy suffused throughout. It is savvy, easy-to-follow, discerning, and super encouraging. It is definitely adventurous. Like a limoncello, it also has a happy/exciting kind of tartness to it.
January 26, 2016 at 12:46 am #13576Jessica, this is so cool! I am neither particularly into drawing nor Italy, but reading your course idea i get kinda excited about both! It’s very clear, easy to make personal, memorable, fun…
January 26, 2016 at 12:53 am #13578Awesome!
Just curious: Would you be open to doing something like “10 Steps To Drawing The World” if it meant more customers? What I’m getting out of this is that the transformation is to be able to document your travels through drawing. The course is focused on Italy as an example, but the results go far beyond that.
So I’d love to know your thoughts on widening your target market beyond “people who want to draw italy” to “people who want to draw places they travel to”
The course would stay the same, you would just be changing the way you market it.
January 26, 2016 at 4:15 pm #13777Thanks for the feedback guys!
@andyfreist, it is interesting that you bring that up because the curriculum I am using is based on a class I teaching here in Mexico called “10 Steps to Drawing Anything.” I’ve gotten good feedback from my students about the class, so I thought it would be a good framework for my travel classes.
I was thinking I would do 10 steps to drawing anything as it’s own ecourse, and also a class for San Miguel de Allende where I am now. Buuuut it would save me from doing as many ecourse if I made this more general from the get go.
I do really like the idea of a more general travel sketching/drawing class….hmmm….OK wheels are turning…maybe I could take the footage I’ve already got from Italy and combine it with some mexico scenes to do a more general travel sketching class… I already know I have a lot more to film (drawing demos & such) but there’s definitely room to widen where students are traveling with me…
I’m going to go make a pros and cons list and come back to this idea. Thanks for the suggestion!
(More feedback super welcome adventure buddies!)
January 26, 2016 at 7:18 pm #13791Liking the direction you’re starting to move this, Jessica. The more general one could be the foundation, and then you could have some extras that feature specific places. I.e., with the basic concepts under one’s belt, which specific (already introduced) lessons apply to this location more than that?
I was so aware when I moved from New England to Colorado how the palette shifted. Colors *had* to be brighter here, because the sun washed them out. New England was often more about subtleties, shades of grays, also many greens. The Southwestern U.S. is more about the bones of the landscape, less about architecture. The locales you mention would have even more dramatic differences of artistic focus, I think.
January 26, 2016 at 10:24 pm #13837I think niching down and being very focused in your topic is a good (and extremely important) thing.. That said, my gut instinct is feeling that having everything be about drawing Italy is slightly too narrow.. I think going a bit more broad with the topic, and then refining your targeting via the vibe and delivery style is the way to go..
Just my $.02 😉
January 28, 2016 at 2:53 pm #14099So I’m not going to lie, my first reaction to this idea was actually, What!?!? No waaaay, I’ve already been working on this for blah blah blah blah.
Buuuut, then I got over myself. I felt like I hit a wall with the Italy only-class because there are still more things I wish I could film on location. Broadening the destinations would not only allow me to get some great lessons in that I didn’t have a chance to film in Italy, it will also add a lot of interest for the students. And you’re so right Deb @robson! The two locations have totally different palettes and historical heritage and architecture and light. Comparing the two will be a great way to explain different ways of looking, and things to consider as an artist on the go.
I asked a few of my students and fellow artists for feedback as well about a more general eCourse, and so far they also like the general approach. Even the 2 students I have who are about to leave for Italy!
So I’m jazzed. This is a really refreshing new direction after all the (self-inflicted) struggling I was doing while I procrastinated on the Italy concept. I’ve got 1 month more in Mexico so I better get my new plan together so I can get all the shots I need!
Gracias amigos!
January 28, 2016 at 8:10 pm #14114I’m seriously sympathetic with that “but I’ve already been working on this . . . ” reaction, Jessica. Glad you came out the other side of it jazzed!
January 29, 2016 at 5:20 pm #14204Awesome!
I too have gone through the “but I’ve been already working on this..” motions…
The tough thing to come to terms with is that even though it may be a little more work now to tweak things and change direction a bit, it saves us SO. MUCH. TIME in the long run.
Getting the feedback from students that are actually going to Italy that they would want a more general course pretty much sealed the deal 🙂
Glad you are stoked with the new direction!
January 29, 2016 at 5:38 pm #14214I thought the drawing Italy course as a cool idea, but I love the more general approach now that its’ on the table as an option @jescantonelli. I think it’ll free you up to be way outta the box creative with what and how you deliver your content. Glad the fire is stoked and you’re feeling inspired and getting great feedback.
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