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Penny Claringbull 9 years ago

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New Home › Forums › Course Ideas & Outlines › REFINED: Better than an Elevator Speech
1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
Better than an Elevator Speech: Networking with Confidence, Comfort, and Integrity
2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?
It is a way of supporting whole-hearted people build businesses using processes that increase integrity and authenticity in the public sphere.
3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.
Whole-hearted people who want to create a sustainable, fulfilling life for themselves through building thriving businesses that both function internally and serve clients/customers in ways that serve their personal values and fulfillment.
4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.
They will become confident and comfortable having effective conversations about their businesses any time, any where.
5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
A 6-module course
Module 1: Connect with Your Inner CEO (Compassionate Entrepreneurial Officer)
Module 2: Whole-hearted Networking – what it is and why it works
Module 3: Your Three-Sentence Story
Module 4: Cultivating Charisma: Shine on the Outside
Module 5: Infuse Your Story with Heart: Shine From the Inside
Module 6: Ignition: Stepping Out Into The World
6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
Grounded in reality
I love the name, the description, transformation and the personality. It all seems very grounded and clear. Well done Kate!
Are there any question marks that still linger for you after doing this exercise?
I love the name, the description, transformation and the personality. It all seems very grounded and clear. Well done Kate!
Are there any question marks that still linger for you after doing this exercise?
I am feeling solid about this stage of the process.
Sounds like a pretty sweet Ecourse and sounds like you know exactly what you want and how you are going to do it. Awesome!!
Thanks, @rodolfomenjivar. I am looking forward to diving in to the next phase of building this.
Love the clear, succinct descriptions Kate!
The use of words like charisma, shine, heart, infuse and ignition gives the course an attractive tone or voice. Plus clear writing = clear thinking, so it’s a good advertisement for the content.
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