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February 11, 2016 at 11:18 am #16531
1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
This course is about having bad ass skills, knowledge and situational awareness that allow us to be adaptable and resilient in a changing world. It will start with the basic course then have advanced modules. It will strategically lead participants on the path of becoming Community/Family Protectors instead of victims when the unexpected happens and to thrive in changing times. Think Homer Simpson to Jason Bourne progression (who is the most solid and grounded female version of this?)…… ok, Jason Bourne might be a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea!
The focus of the first course in the series will be around the basics of positioning ourselves better for climate change, extreme weather events, disease outbreaks and even everyday problems like your car breaking down, a family medical emergency or the risk of a house fire. The course also explores (in a hidden kind of way) the archetype of protector in community (not just super hero protector like Bourne, Mom’s are some of the most effective protectors in the world)and helps people grow in their unique relationship with that archetype. Purpose beyond self, empowered, adaptive and resilient Human Beings.
2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?
Since being a child I have had a calling towards being a protector and the eye’s of my community. Humans are naturally meant to be resilient, adaptable, aware and nature connected. I’ve spent the past 15 years of my life studying how we became so dependent on modern infrastructure and what are the most effective ways to reconnect people with those natural traits I mentioned before. I have 10 years experience teaching wilderness survival and nature connection and awareness and am working on a post graduate in Emergency and Disaster Management. This project pulls all my learning’s from the past 15 years and my passions together.3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.
This course is for people who want to make the most of this lifetime. People who care about their family, community, the environment and the world at large. For people who realize the rules of the world and climate (this includes physical climate, political climate, economical climate) we live in are changing quick. For people who choose empowerment and action over fear and complacency. For people who want to be part of a solution not a victim to an event.4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.
A deep feeling of peace within the changing world and a sense of empowerment and readiness for those changes. The feeling of being a sheep dog and community protector with a purpose greater then themselves. A great awareness of the REAL risks we face in the short term and long term and a plan on how to adapt and be ready for them. Their lifestyle is equipped with knowledge, skills, gear and plans to adapt, survive and thrive under stress. Inspired to go deeper in their journey as a fully alive and activated human, connected to nature and their unique personal vision for this world and possessing the skills and strategy that support living life to the fullest. Inspired for lifelong strategic learning. Inspired to contribute to their community in a healthy way.
5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
A very well thought out process in which participants are lead on a journey. The course will be the perfect balance of information, inspiring video’s and resources, working documents, bite size achievable action steps that allow participants to feel their progress right from the first module and recognition of accomplishments along the way. The course will like a living video game where you are the character becoming more bad ass after the completion of each level.</div>
6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
This “person” (ie: my e-course) is contagiously passionate, obviously knowledgeable about the topic and has a clear vision of how to get results in a world full of information overload and distractions. It recognizes the challenges of the modern world yet chooses empowerment and positivity over fear and complacency. It is friendly, fun and accessible.</div>
February 11, 2016 at 7:04 pm #16633LOVE THIS!
This course is about having bad ass skills, knowledge and situational awareness that allow us to be adaptable and resilient in a changing world.
So good. I can picture it. They might even make a Simpson’s episode after your course!
Think Homer Simpson to Jason Bourne progression
Your WHO is great… and I’d love to see you dig deeper with it. Where do these people hang out? What do they do for “work?” Are they currently searching for what you’ve created? Have they any experience in what you’re teaching?
I personally am inspired by the transformation and am pumped to take your course when it comes out.
I freaking LOVE this description!
The course will like a living video game where you are the character becoming more bad ass after the completion of each level.
I gotta say Chris, this is looking SO GOOD. You are definitely ready for the next level. It’s time to graduate over to Creatora Heights! Way to refine it to this. It’s looking great. I can feel the personality coming through in what you’ve shared here. Excited to see the next layer.
February 11, 2016 at 9:29 pm #16663Agreed! This is great stuff and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you create 🙂
That said, you still have a bit of refining to do. I encourage you to keep chipping away and get each of those points down to just a couple sentences each. You COULD move forward with it as-is, but the extra effort will be well worth it.
How can you say more with less? (you’ll hear me say this over and over again – for good reason 😉
On another note, have you studied the work of Stephen Jenkinson? I get the sneaking suspicion you’d resonate:
February 12, 2016 at 2:50 pm #16729Thanks for your thoughts Andy, @andyfreist
Yes I will definitely keep refining. The whole vision still has a lot of little details to be worked out. I was thinking about moving onto the next section for now and revisiting this exercise again later. Does that make sense to you?
Yes, I am familiar with the work of Stephen Jenkinson. Have you done any training with him?
ChrisFebruary 12, 2016 at 2:58 pm #16731Thanks Brad, @bradleytmorris
I’ll keep digging with the who. Do you have any suggestions on the who. You seem interested, what kind of places do you spend your time? Websites you frequent, publications you follow?
ChrisFebruary 12, 2016 at 5:27 pm #16772Yeah, you’re okay to move forward – just realize that it may end up being more work in the end 😉
Nothing wrong with a little hard work though!
February 13, 2016 at 3:16 pm #16900I LOVE that course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is a sexy course for sure!!! right on…. The world needs this and I love that we are creating what the world DOES need…
February 15, 2016 at 1:11 pm #17090Better than me talking about me. Think about the people who come to you. Think about the last 20 – 50 people who have come to you for your work.
– What do they do for a ‘living?”
– Why did they come to you?
– What were their motivations?
– What were they most interested in learning? (why?)
– What do they do for fun or in their spare time?If you don’t know, send out a to your email list, followers, clients/students and following online. Even if it’s just a small number of people, you can learn a lot.
I really recommend you get to know them. Show interest in them. Do this and you’ll be able to serve them exactly what they want. 🙂
February 25, 2016 at 8:07 pm #18497Ok, I had another go at refining all the questions down again. I’d love your thoughts on the new condensed version and particularly I’d love to hear anything that comes up for you as you read about my “who”. If you have more questions about this that would be great. Thanks!
1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
This course is about having high level skills, knowledge and situational awareness that allow us to be adaptable and resilient in a changing world. Grow as the Guardian of your family and community in the face of climate change, extreme weather events, emerging diseases, economic uncertainty and every day life challenges. Be the Hero not the victim!
2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?Since being a child I have had a calling towards being a protector and the eye’s of my community. This project draws from my passion and experience working in emergency preparedness and management, wilderness and urban survival, modern homesteading, deep nature connection and my insight into the nature of resiliency, adaptability and strategy in a changing world.
3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.
This course is for people who want to make the most of this lifetime. Who feel unsettled with the ways and pace of the modern world but don’t know what to do about it. People who are curious, like to learn, explore, be outside, know how things work and how to do things for themselves. Like to eat healthy food, care about the planet and other people, watch and worry about world events, Get frustrated by the busyness of the world, the confines of money and dept, see corruption in politics and business, want the rest of the world to take better care of the environment and each other. Sometime they feel overwhelmed by possibilities and options. They feel like there must be a better way we could live and do things but don’t know what it is, they dream about what it may have been like to live before televisions, computers and 9 – 5 jobs but at the same time were brought up with those comforts and would have trouble living without them. They do there best but often wish they could do more.
Questions from Brad, Out of the last 50 ppl who came to me for teaching and guidance:
– What do they do for a ‘living?” – a lot of different things, the outdoors and nature is a common theme, but they range from doctors and healers to construction workers to educators
– Why did they come to you? – Because I’m passionate, I have a lot of skills sets, I’m good at teaching, they are searching for something and don’t quite know what it is yet
– What were their motivations? – community, inspiration, to feel like they live closer to the land, to build self confidence and self reliance, because they struggle with the ways of the modern world and I give hope of another way, to chase a dream of connecting to something ancient, a way of relating to the land like they know their ancestors once did.
– What were they most interested in learning? (why?) how to feel at one with nature and the world, how to do things for themselves and be self sufficient. because they feel unsettled with the state of modern world, the busyness of it and disconnect from nature does not feel right to them, they are looking for a different way to be but don’t quite know what it looks like.
– What do they do for fun or in their spare time? hike, camp, watch movies about adventure and the outdoors, read books about history and culture, travel, explore, grow food, dream about self sufficiency, dream about getting away from the business of the modern world, look online at all the possibilities and get overwhelmed by how much they want to learn and how little time it feels like they have to do it. eat healthy food, read about world events, worry about the environment an attempt to inform others about problems and solutions, take courses and educate themselves, dream of a better and different way, get frustrated about our current way of being.
4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.Growing from a place of uncertainty about what the future holds to place of feeling purpose and empowerment to help their family and community be adaptable and resilient in the face of change. They are equipped with knowledge, skills, gear and plans to adapt, survive and thrive in the face of challenges and inspired to go deeper in their journey as a fully alive and activated human.
5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
The course will help participants cut through the overwhelming amount of information out there to know what is most relevant to them in taking care other their family and community. A mixture of informative and inspiring video’s, worksheets, thought provoking questions and assignments and bite size achievable action steps that allow participants to form a strategy for success that meets their unique lifestyle. The course will be like a living video game where you are the character becoming more bad ass after the completion of each level.
6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
This “person” (ie: my e-course) is contagiously passionate, obviously knowledgeable about the topic and has a clear vision of how to get results in a world full of information overload and distractions. It recognizes the challenges of the modern world yet chooses empowerment and being positive over fear and complacency. It is friendly, fun, inspiring and accessible.
February 26, 2016 at 3:42 pm #18525I love it all @chrisg. You put a lot of thought and time into this. I can tell. Your course is gonna rock and I can’t wait to experience it! Thank you for being a Planet Protector good sir!
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