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2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 4 months ago
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    Megan Nolan

    Hi Hi:)

    Seriously, i am excited about this I want to put everything else aside and work on my course all day! So as a starting point I would say that is great. I am feeling so inspired to create this, in a way that is unlike i have ever experienced.

    I have been doing a checkpoint a day and about to begin the art of transformation…..

    My concept is blossoming and I am begin to see a framework for how it can all come together…so fun! I am planning on doing a 21 day course with a different theme per week so I would like to have the first week of lessons (1/day) mapped out by the end of the month and i am well on my to accomplishing that. I am continuing my research and am gathering ideas to help bring it all together

    Thank you Andy and Brad I feel so supported on this journey and while it is towards the creation of my course I absolutely agree that it is one of personal transformation!




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    LOVE THE MOMENTUM (and enthusiasm)!

    This is awesome Megan. Can’t wait to see an outline when you arrive at Creatora Heights (soon enough).

    keep having fun. It only gets  more magical with the higher you climb.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    PS – stay hydrated!

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