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51 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Cassandra 6 years, 1 month ago
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    Okay so I have a rough idea for the course I want to create and for my theme. I also pretty much have all of the content prepared (syllabus and topics etc). But, it is twelve modules/topics all up and I am not sure if I am starting too big and should just create a mini-course to start with. OR I could just create one topic/module… But then my theme won’t really work. And I know I want to create this big course anyway, so why not just start and figure it out as I go? Hmmm… decisions decisions! Well I will keep going and trust that the Universe will reveal my path to me as I continue to climb the mountain. Good advice Cass.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I have seen many’a adventures fall on their way up the mountain because choosing a mountain that they have not trained for. Building a mountain like the one you are climbing now takes practice and training. If you are untrained, then the avalanche of deteails and learning curves will take you down.

    I recommend starting with a mini course that provides and extremely CLEAR result.

    Trust me, if you try to build your BIG VISION now, you’ll be building forever.

    The Great eCourse Adventure is unlike any landscape you’ve ever traveled through. You’d be best to start with a smaller course so you can learn all of the lessons necessary to build your GREAT COURSE in a more condensed, shortened journey.

    Get your eCourse body in shape for the big mountain you have in mind.

    As an experience adventure guide, that would be what I would say if I was the Universe.



    Okay thanks @bradleytmorris I will go back to the drawing board. 🙂



    My Big Why is to grow and evolve spiritually and develop creative, entertaining, and innovative ways to help others do the same.



    So now I’m thinking of doing a Day Trek and a matching/supporting Walk in the Park on either:

    a) opening the third eye and connecting with your spirit guides
    b) discovering and activating your soul’s purpose
    I have ran both of these as workshops before and the first one (a) as an online boring pdf/audio/coaching session course, so I have all the content and have also created new content.
    I am currently doing GEA in conjunction with another “experience” creation course. In that course they want us to package, market and sell an experiential course within the next ten weeks!!! TBH I can’t really see that happening if I am going to be turning either of these programs into a fun and entertaining creative e-course. What I might do is an “in-person” training for the 10-week thing so I can test and finetune the new content/experience format and then turn it into a fun creative online course with GEA.
    So many courses and ideas, so little time!


    Idea Generator comes out with my big twelve part/week vision quest attunement program on top (which we decided is too big to start with), closely followed by the other two other smaller day-trek programs (1 to 2-day workshops) I mentioned above (both in a tie for second).

    One of the two smaller programs is a better entry into my brand and overall message, and it’s the shorter of the two, so I am leaning towards that one (discover and start living your soul’s purpose), possibly with a heroic story quest/adventure theme. I can incorporate my love of storytelling and sci-fi/fantasy into it without being limited to one specific story. I can present it live to start with at the end of Jan to test and refine my content, and then e-course and technify it up over the next few months.



    I want to create this e-course because I want to help others discover and live their soul’s purpose and break free from the system, so they can enjoy a meaningful and authentic life doing what they are passionate about, whilst contributing to the global revolution in consciousness.
    My love for living my purpose, the global revolution in consciousness, storytelling, and inner transformation will keep me excited to make this e-course a reality.
    <b> </b>
    I am qualified to teach this because I have been living my soul’s purpose ever since I got clear on what it was almost ten years ago and left the corporate world to focus on doing this. Since then I have been helping people to awaken to their soul’s purpose and shift their consciousness so they can live a life aligned with this. I have also taught this course several times in workshops. <i></i>
    The people I’m seeking to serve will be inspired to buy my e-course because they will resonate with my message and see that I am passionate about this work and really care about the people I serve. Just need to make sure all my marketing is fine-tuned to make sure this all comes across. <b></b>


    After much confusion, I’m thinking of going back to my original idea (the twelve module course I have designed all the content for), because that is the program I’m most passionate about. It is also central to the next phase of growing my business. And it came out first in the Idea Generator.

    However, instead of creating a Vision Quest for all twelve modules, I’m thinking of building a smaller, synopsis-style, Walk in the Park version. It can function as an introduction to the bigger twelve module program (which I am going to run as a hybrid live teaching/coaching program until I have e-coursed it up).

    Obviously I need to make sure I can provide real transformational value in the Walk in the Park and make sure it isn’t just a free-intro marketing video that doesn’t include any real content.



    Okay so I have my curriculum and modules and the order and sequence all prepared and ready. There are twelve. Each module is designed to achieve a specific result. Together they create a step-by-step journey of spiritual awakening and personal transformation.

    What I am thinking of doing is looking at the overall big picture of how this will work as a vision quest program/e-course and what unifying all-encompassing theme I will use (I would really like to bring the story world I created for the novel that goes with this program into my e-course — it is fairly epic though with different worlds and dimensions). After I have more of an idea of my big picture I will probably focus on creating just one module as an e-course for my first time up the mountain. Each module can be taught as a stand-alone.

    I don’t think my previous idea of a synopsis-style course will really work because there are too many settings if I use the story world from the accompanying novel as the overall theme.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Cassandra, having been in the transformational work online for quite a few years, I will say, one of the best, most effective ways to help folks embody a teaching and transform cellularly is through the power of high quality guided audios. You take them from projecting outwards, to journeying inwards. Your guided audios can all be a part of your overall theme, based on the cues you give.

    Stoked for your clarity. Hope you’re having fun!

    ALSO – for your book. Including an audio version of the book with your course would be super valuable. Each chapter could be a series of videos, exercises, audios and ways to integrate the teachings from yoru book. The more senses you enrol in your transformational journey, the more they are likely to transform in body, mind, emotions and spirit.



    Yep I’ve created a guided meditation for each module. They are a blend of NLP and shamanic journeying. I did think of structuring my theme based on the setting of each meditation, but the problem is that the settings are more generic style (forests, islands, etc). So what I was thinking is that the hover beam in the UFO that is transporting the participant through the course could “beam” them down into the setting.

    Cool idea re including the book as audio. I will think about how I can break the story down even more to get ideas for the teachings and exercises. Thanks heaps!



    I am really confused now and thinking maybe I am trying to do too much with my theme idea and perhaps need to simplify it.

    I really love the idea of having the story running as a narrative that weaves everything together, but I have absolutely no idea how I can incorporate these elements visually through tech and video. The characters in my novel aren’t really ones that I can dress up as. Not in a believable way anyway. None of them are human except for the main character. Plus they are already presented in animation-style on my book cover, so it would be confusing to the brand to try to present them in another way. Really the only way I can incorporate the characters in a way that is true to the story would be to animate them, and basically, I would need to create the equivalent of a professionally animated movie of the book! Not to mention I would need a professional animation studio to do this and a MASSIVE budget. Which is way beyond the scope of my first product version.

    I still like the idea of the UFO journey… this is central to the story and also a good metaphor for raising your vibration, which is the overall theme of my course. But maybe I need to find a way that I can either a) incorporate *just* the settings of the story (which will still be tricky and probably weird and lacking in context without the characters), or b) use the settings from each of the guided meditations as the UFO landing destination background for each module, and teach the content through standard images and slides on a screen on the UFO. I could get away with dressing up as the main character and presenting the content. Although I don’t know if this is really necessary if there aren’t any other characters and could also get boring after a while.

    Hmmmm I will have a think about both of these more simplified options in more detail and see if I can get either of them to work in my head, and see if the story element would still work.

    Back to the drawing board!




    Back on the mountain after time off for the silly season.

    After even more confusion I think I have realised where I have been going wrong in all this and why I haven’t been able to move forwards with any of my ideas. In my mind I have been trying to create a user-interface/video-game like vehicle for my course. Now I realise that my theme isn’t a UFO, or the story characters/story itself, but the story-world from my novel. I don’t need to get my students to believe that they are onboard the UFO in the story and create a graphic interface to do this, all I need to do is decorate my course with elements from the story world. And there are HEAPS of ways I can do this, without having to create some kind of new VR or animated tech that doesn’t even exist yet.

    Right. I am going back through Creatora Heights again!



    what a great breakthrough!  Have fun re-imagining your course….


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES. I am so happy to see this insight. As I expressed earlier, your vision was really big and would require a team. This now seems doable. So happy for your insight and can’t wait to see what you come up with @Cassandra.

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