New Home Forums Progress Logs A progress to a new Mountains.

94 replies, 12 voices Last updated by  xbobby 6 years, 1 month ago
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    Five years from now:
    I live in the country with my wife
    We have a nice house, and it’s very cheap.
    I have an E-course company with my wife
    I love my job and my wife
    Our company is easy
    It lives its own life
    So we have time to all
    the stuff we love
    We had found out
    Work smart
    Not hard

    I will not make my dream course on one year it’s too early. I don’t want to hurry; I’ll have the time I need to reach my dream on five years.
    I have time – so I will go to the top of 3 mountains on the five years.

    The first year:
    I will learn ALL the skills I need to be relay good to make E-learning, and I will take all the challenges I can, to get better skills and experience.
    I will finish on the top, with an E-learning course, but it’s not my Dreaming course yet, but it it’s my Dreaming beginning.
    I will try the first year focus on to learn all the skills I can – Because I know that I best can make my Dream course when I have the skills I need, and I’m good to do what I do.
    My first production is free, so I cant get all the experiences I need to have an E-learning Place from the people who take the course and also to start my brand in the E-learning World.

    2 – 3 year:
    I will take that dream that lives in my hard after one year, and make a fantastic and E-learning course, it will take me two years to make that course, and when I am ready I will take money for it.

    4 – 5 year:
    From 4 – 5 years I will work with my wife, who makes fantastic E-leanings course. We both have relay good E-learning experience, and we are both knowing as fantastic people to make E-learning, that is fantastic in a new way. Boring E-learning courses belong to the past; people want fantastic E-leanings course and high quality one new top level.
    The Course we make are also special because It lives its own life
    So we have time to all
    the stuff we love
    Because of we:
    Work smart
    Not hard



    The next week – I will work with brainstorming to find what E-learning I will make,  I will use eCource Ide generator 3000.

    So I will focus on this task, and be calm here in the mountains

    Have a nice week 🙂

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    I like the freedom to earn my own money.
    The freedom to make what I will with my time.
    The freedom to listen to what my heart said.
    The freedom to not make the thing faster then my Soul can connect with me.
    The freedom to be creative, and do all that things my heart feel for.
    The freedom to do the job I love.
    The freedom to make E-learning that is fantastic
    Changes peoples life to the better – I think this world needs some help to that.




    What will I do now?
    I will make E-learning that I love two hours six days a week.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love how much fun you’re having with this and it’s great to see the improvements with each animation you do. Looking forward to seeing the first course you decide on!



    Thanks, @bradleytmorris good that you can see my improvement on the animations. My Goal is next Monday to find out what course I will do the first year. See you there 🙂



    Xbobby’s DreamCourse
    The Dream Course I will work with as the first is: How to be more stress-free?
    So my plan is the first year.
    I will make a Course on the beginner levels — I will make TV Station where they talk about stress.
    My first eCourse will be free.
    I will take all the challenges where I can train the skills I need to learn.
    See you on the Mountains and may the Spirit be with you 🙂


    Mike Pozesny
    @Michael Pozesny


    It was interesting to read/watch all your posts. It also helped me to better understand how I should be posting to keep others involved. I will check out that video creation tool you have been using so much because that may be a quick way to get some video knocked out that can then be imported into Camtasia and expanded on for some good effects! Your plan looks completely realistic to me – I haven’t gotten to the point on my climb that I was given the Idea Generator to use so I downloaded the one you attached.






    I am on “Uncovering Your Why on the Architect Course.”
    That is a FANTASTIC video, with deep, deep questions.
    Where it tells us to look deep inside my self a new journey begins to make an eCourse that I self will buy.



    Hi @bradleytmorris
    When I started here, I would make a WordPress course for the first year. I was sure that I in many areas I could do better than many of the YouTube videos. It gave me confidence that I could do it better, so there were no dangers, – But it was my dream course?

    The Great eCourse Idea Generator 3000 showed me that WordPress was number 5 — not number 1 🙂

    The Dream Course was an e-Course where awareness about stress, so it will be more easy to work with. I called it “Stress News.”

    Welcome to the transformation – I love the process in the Architect Forest!

    Thanks to you and Andy for your great work here in the mountains 🙂


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @xbobby, so happy to hear you’re getting so much out of it. Architekt Forest was a fun one to make. I find those journaling exercises to be helpful too every time I start a new project. Love that you were surprised about your course direction. That’s exciting. Keep dancing up the mountain.



    My ideas have changed, so now my course is to adult instead of children, see more here

    Hi, @bradleytmorris I love the question and the process – now I found what I relay shall do! – Please read it.

    To “who” is my eCourse is a great question, and I think it’s a question that can save many months if we give us a good time to answer that question.
    Yesterday was my thought to make an eCource about stress to people, who had gone down with stress and not could work, a situation that I know quite well when I have tried it myself, and how difficult process it is to b stress-free again.

    But this eCourse will take a long time. Because it’s not a process that turns over a week or two, so it will require a very long course like “Great eCourse Adventure” an ad at the same time, it will require a lot of support for these people who are in a very difficult situation. It will require more of me than I will be able to deliver at the beginning of my E-learning process as the beginner I am.

    I could instead make a course that could been taken in a few days with the most important information about stress, but there are too many of them already, so I think that course would disappear between all the courses that there already are on the internet.

    Then came the dream of doing it with 2D animated characters, but I don’t think that people with stress will seem that it is a good idea because it would seem that I don’t take them seriously.

    BUT SO CAME THE IDEA I THINK WILL WORK. Make e-course for children, with 2D animated characters. You probably think that bobby has lost he’s sense — why should children learn about stress? But I’m excited about the idea — because if we can teach children how to avoid stress before they grow up, then much will be won in this world when they are adult?
    Are there millions of E-courses of this type? No, I think, so it will be courses that will be noticed because it is more different from what you usually see on the market. And I think the children will think that it is fun to find their answers. If the schools find this course interesting, then there will be many schools to sell the course too.

    To this eCourse, I don’t believe in a stationary eCourse where you do A, and so you do B, and C. I believe in a dynamic eCourse where children self can explore all the pieces that make the stress in this world. And I think that many children today are more adults than the adults, and they more easily can find some more brilliant solutions than us.
    I’m so glad for that idea, that I today I have tried Adobe’s Character Animator for the first time and want to buy the program. I have not done that before, but I think It will give lots of fun and challenges.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love this change in direction @xbobby. Building a fun course, using animated lessons to teach kids about stress is brilliant. I could see you having different characters, story and doing voiceover, etc… The characterts could give the kids their “stress exercises” to go away and experiment with.

    Example: Taking 5 deep breaths when they are feeling anxious or stressed and notice how it feels.
    Putting their barefeet on the earth for 60 seconds and notice how it feels.

    Make the kids scientists.

    Of course, these are just my own ideas. But I’m definitely excited. This sounds awesome.



    1) What is your eCourse about your inspiration to create? Describe it.
    It’s about learning adult why stress came, and the about the three levels of stress. And they also learn about the four important choices they should make if they will work with their stress efficiently. And also know who and what that can help them to get less stress.

    2) Out of all the possibilities, why are you most excited about creating this eCourse? Explain.
    Because I here can learn adult better ways to get letter stress, so they have some good help in a difficult time.

    3) Describe WHO you create this eCourse for. Describe them.
    I set up the course for an adult who has stress in their daily life and wants to have less stress in their life.

    4) Describe TRANSFORMATION or benefits they receive by going through your eCourse.
    The beginning
    They are a place where they feel the stress, but they don’t know how they should get less stress.
    The end
    They have learned about stress came, and the three different levels of stress, is and how they get less stress in their own lives.

    5) Use your skills, tools, and resources, how do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation? What is the process you imagine?
    I want to use 2D animated characters, and I want them to have a dialog about stress.

    6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe his PERSONALITY or VIBES?
    There is a person who is curious about stress and a person who knows much about it, and they make an interesting dialog about stress.



    Where am I on Week 3: @bradleytmorris

    I am finished with the Architect forest and have found my Dream course, and also my theme, and I know that I will make it with 2D animated Character, and I will use Character Animator CC from Adobe.

    I will the next week begin to learn Character Animator CC, Photoshop, and Illustrator, and I will learn them in 4 months from now.

    There are many tasks to do, so I have got a free version of Trello, so I can learn how to work with many tasks with deadlines, at the same time, and today I have learned the basic of that program.

    The next 2 – 3 weeks will I work with Creator Heights I will set my speed down in the mountains, so I can get more time to the skills I will love learning.


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