New Home Forums Course Creation Resources Powtoon for animations

11 replies, 7 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Penny Claringbull

    This is my first go at using powtoon to introduce the section on sustainability in my ‘Find the Right House’ course. I’ll be slowing it down, fading the music and doing some voiceover. Or starting again… but it gives an idea of what you can do.


    Hmm…too big to upload and can’t embed…

    Let’s try this:








    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Strange. When I open the link on my phone, instead of a video player I just get a message “Hey there! Your video isn’t finished uploading yet. Check back in a few minutes.”


    Would love to see what you made, Penny!


    Deb Robson

    I tried, too, Penny, and got something that *said* your video was there, but just showed me a white box. Ah, technology!


    Lisa R

    I got it Penny – loved it! So good to see what you can do with PowToon.

    I’m really kicking myself for not getting that AppSumo deal…

    Looking forward to the final version!



    Penny Claringbull

    Thanks for trying guys! @robson @waynebuckhan @lisa.russell

    Don’t know why it worked for some and not others, but I can see that some people have managed to embed videos so I’ll try again.


    Deb Robson

    @pennyclaringbull, I was able to play it this time! Who knows what’s different–I was about to try another browser, but it worked without a problem here.

    That’s great.

    We have an interesting orientation issue here in Colorado. I wanted (and have) my driveway and front walk facing *south.* That means we only have to shovel about half as often as the north-facing-entry folks, and we don’t get ice build-up that lasts. Essentially, if we get the first layer of snow off, everything else melts. . . .


    Penny Claringbull

    Snow it not a problem in 99% of Australia. But it would be kind of fun if it was!


    Deanna Gibbons

    Hi Deb, great job with the video!  I haven’t used Powtoons before but I have used Biteable, another video creation platform.  It’s a really good platform.  It’s $99 for the year.  I just used the free one with their watermark for now.  But I plan on upgrading to their full plan.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Penny, that’s fantastic! I was definitely fully engaged and amazed at how much I could learn in 53 seconds.
    I’d love to hear a second version, exact same but WITH your voice over.
    (just curious which would be more effective)

    I can see you getting so creative with the videos you do.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Penny, I eventually got to watch it. I like it.

    I think you hit the areas of feedback already (slow it down, adjust the music) and Bradley mentioned using your voice. Even if you don’t do the voice over (which I’ll also recommend), you can figure out the timings by reading each segment out loud. Gsnerally people can read at least as fast as folks speak, so that’s a reasonable rule of thumb. You’ll also catch the last typo/s when you read it outloud.

    Looking forward to more fun videos!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    I may just be too late to the party, but the link isnt working for me 🙁


    Penny Claringbull

    Sorry @andyfreist, I removed that version because I redid them all.

    I will post the finals! But thanks for looking 🙂

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