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March 27, 2016 at 4:13 pm #20328
Hey Fellow Adventures, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on my course name. Please tell me your favorite out of the list and why and/or make another suggestion inspired by what you read.
Course Description: The course is kind of a citizens/family guide to being prepared for climate change (events such as extreme weather) and other unexpected events in a unpredictable world. The essence of it is being resilient, adaptable and prepared for the unexpected, improving your situational awareness and strategic problem solving skills and bringing your “A” game to life. The course will walk participants through a process in which they will create a unique strategy for themselves/family/community to be better prepared for a changing climate and world. The strategy will be realistic to accomplish with their current resources and time allowances and will be catered towards the ecosystem they live in and their unique concerns and needs. It will be fun, positive and inspiring yet get noticeable and traceable results they can be proud of. It will bring them peace of mind in uncertain times. I will use the theme of the Martial arts Dojo, the Dojo of Life, Participants will be awarded their next belt color from Sensei after developing the skills associated with each section. They will go to Sensei for wisdom and guidance throughout their journey.
When voting please keep in mind I want the course to feel appealing and accessible to a wide ranging mainstream audience.
Please choose your top name and tag line and/or feel free to suggest a different combination of the same words or something else altogether.
Road to Resiliency
60 Days to a Safer Future
Preparing for an Inconvenient Truth
Changing World Dojo
Changing Climate, Changing World
Leaders (or Hero’s) in a Changing WorldTag Lines:
60 Days to a Safer Future (in a Changing Climate)
Preparing for an Inconvenient Truth
Preparing for Climate Change Made Easy
A Personal Strategy (or guide) for a Changing Climate
Your Guide to Safety in a Changing Climate & World
A Personal & Family Strategy for an Uncertain FutureThanks Crew!
March 28, 2016 at 12:35 pm #20369I absolutely love where you’re going with this @chrisg.
My initial thoughts are that none of them are quiiiiiite IT.
Your theme is “of the Martial arts Dojo, the Dojo of Life where participants are awarded their next belt colour from a Sensei after developing the skills associated with each section. They will go to Sensei for wisdom and guidance throughout their journey.”
None of the names or taglines speak to the dojo idea though. I think you could have fun + add a lot of personality and brand consistency if you played with names that were aligned with your theme.
I LOVE THE WORD RESILIENCY. I think it is a word for our century. If you look at the etymology of that word, it means “Power of Recovery.” That’s what you’re talking about?
I’d love to see some more theme-based titles and taglines.
Have fun with it. I know when you get it, it’s just gonna POP!
does this help?
March 28, 2016 at 6:24 pm #20403@bradleytmorris, Thanks again Brad, I’m feeling like it is not quite there as well. I will put together a few more that are theme based too. You said you really like Resiliency, so do I, but you didn’t think Road to Resiliency what quite right. Any specific reasons on that? I put a survey out to a bunch of friends and Road to Resiliency is winning by a long shot at this point. I was kinda feeling it as a name but feeling way less sure about the tag line. I’m still quite open to the perfect title coming up though.
ChrisMarch 29, 2016 at 8:39 am #20481These really popped out for me from your course outline thread:
– really about preparedness, awareness, skill development and choosing empowerment and action over fear
– The essence of it is being resilient, adaptable and prepared for the unexpected, improving your situational awareness and strategic problem solving skills
– bring peace of mind in uncertain times
A couple of suggestions:– be more specific, climate change, changing world, changing climate are pretty broad terms. Extreme weather and unexpected events tell me a lot more about what you’re offering
– tap into my my experience, how I’ll feel, what I’ll be able to do, especially in the tagline. Strategies and plans are “paper”, you’re wanting them to step into actionsMy feeling is resilient should be in the tag line, not necessarily the title.
LOL – I keep hearing something like “Harness Extreme Weather” as a title. There should be something punchy or active about the title to bring a sense of empowerment, stepping up to face the challenges with confidence. Wouldn’t go with a passive tone.You might want to brainstorm here in all sorts of directions so we can give you some feedback what avenue is clicking or not.
March 29, 2016 at 8:56 am #20485@chrisg – these could be jumping off points for developing your tagline
A citizens/family guide to being prepared for climate change (events such as extreme weather) and other unexpected events in a unpredictable world
bring peace of mind in uncertain times
March 29, 2016 at 12:57 pm #20509I really like this: A ______citizen’s (or is it specifically for families?) guide to being prepared for climate change and other unexpected events in a unpredictable world.
What kind of citizen would you say they are if they’re taking this program? Could include a clearer WHO in this tagline.
I actually do like Road to Resiliency @chrisg
I’d love to see you play with the word Resiliency more in your title. Come up with some more using that word.
Great job!
April 2, 2016 at 1:35 pm #20614@andyfreist @bradleytmorris @lorrainewatson @jescantonelli
I’ve been playing around with a few more ideas for names & tagline based on the great feedback I’ve gotten so far. I am having trouble finding a creative way to infuse the martial arts theme into the name though other then saying dojo. I know alot of folks won’t know what dojo means though. If you have any creative thoughts/words I could use around martial arts that would be great.
I also did a ton of searching last night for anyone doing anything similar on the web. I really didn’t find much (not anyone who had been successful with it anyways), I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing. A lot of ppl were having success with the whole prepper survival theme but that is really not what I’m going for. I more want to hit the kinda of ppl who follow Tim Ferris and other people like that. The closest site I found which is super cool and doing quite well and taking a more positive approach was: Have a look if you have a moment, it is a pretty cool site.
Here are a couple more possibilities for names and tag lines……. I still haven’t hit the nail on the head with the name, I think I am closer with the tag line now. Thoughts?
Personal Preparedness Dojo
How Resilient are YOU?
Avoiding Disaster
Road to Resiliency
Resilience in a Changing ClimateTag Lines:
I am trying to be a bit more descriptive and action oriented with this as suggested.– Skills, Knowledge & Strategy for staying safe and thriving during extreme weather and uncertain times.
– Earn your black belt in the knowledge, skills and strategy needed to stay safe and thrive during extreme weather and uncertain times.
– Skills, Knowledge and Strategy for keeping yourself and family safe in a world of climate change, extreme weather and other unexpected events.
– Equipping yourself and household with the gear, knowledge and strategy needed to……..
Any thoughts on these or way to bring the theme in better?
April 3, 2016 at 4:18 pm #20679What about:
Road to Resiliency: Skills, Knowledge & Strategies for thriving amidst climate change, extreme weather and uncertain times.
I know little to nothing about martial arts so can’t help with weaving the theme into the title.
April 3, 2016 at 4:29 pm #20682Well done @chrisg!
I gotta admit, Road to Resiliency has grown on me since i last saw it.
The tagline that @lorrainewatson suggested is potent and powerful.
Road to Resiliency: Skills, Knowledge & Strategies for thriving amidst climate change, extreme weather and uncertain times.
As for incorporating your theme, I do like what you put:
“Earn your Blackbelt in attaining the skills, knowledge & strategies for thriving amidst climate change, extreme weather and uncertain times.”
Now you just need to come up with a name for the community…
For GEA, it’s “The Community Campfire.”
The name of your course is “Road to Resiliency.”
The tagline is “the blackbelt…”
The community is the dojo, but now you need to come up with a more specific name for that dojo that incorporates the theme and purpose of the course. What would the place be that people would meet to learn these skills or IF something was to happen in the community, where does everybody gather to take inventory and make a plan?
Just thinking outloud while typing…
April 3, 2016 at 7:10 pm #20690@lorrainewatson @bradleytmorris
Again I am supper thankful for the two of your support. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support projects or ideas either of you have.
Brad, this course has helped me take a really big idea that has been floating around in my head for years and refine it into a super practical game plan, I’m pumped!
Coming off the inspiration from your last 2 comments I just had a great brainstorm white board session overlaying my theme over my content and chapter titles. I am feeling great about where it is at. I also spent an hour having my wife pick it apart and ad her perspective and I feel like it is really getting refined now. The content has been the easy part for me as that is what I have lived the past 15 years but the theme and branding has felt like a steep part of the mountain.
I feel like I just jumped over a big hurdle and am on a straight stretch of the track again.
For now I am going with:
Road to Resiliency – Working Towards Your Black Belt in the Skills, Knowledge & Strategy to Thrive Amidst Climate Change, Extreme Weather and Uncertain Times.
Thanks again, If I can return the favor please let me know!
April 3, 2016 at 8:10 pm #20705So after all that, I went to purchase the domain name and sure enough it’s taken. There is no actual site though, it takes me to and says to set up the nameserve for the site. I wonder if someone is actually planning something with it over if they are just sitting on it, in which case maybe I could buy it off them.
I can get but I remember you guys really stressing the importance of having the dot com. is available, do you think that could work for the name or does it change the feel to much? It defiantly is not the same.
Any thoughts?
ChrisApril 5, 2016 at 12:51 pm #20849It may be worth a try to run a whois lookup and contact the domain owner about selling it..
Chances are it will cost you a pretty penny.. Id expect to pay $500-1000+ on the low end.. Domains aren’t cheap once theyre claimed. I just checked and the domain has privacy protection, so theres no easy way to contact the owner.
I would tend to avoid .org as it generally is reserved for non-profits orgs.. is alright, but definetly doesnt have the same catchyness.
If i were you I would go back to the drawing board for some brainstorming.. @pennyclaringbull shared an amazing brainstorming technique: Its basically a list of 100. Sit down and write down 100 possible titles as fast as you can. Once you get to about 30, youll really start to stretch your imagination. Just keep pumping them out without overthinking, no matter how dumb they may look. Chances are, by the time you write down 100 titles youll have a heap of lame ones and a couple golden nuggets 🙂
Also, for what its worth, I like Lorraines tagline suggestion: Skills, Knowledge & Strategies for thriving amidst climate change, extreme weather and uncertain times. It is much more concise and easy to follow then the one you said you are settling on 😉
April 5, 2016 at 6:11 pm #20857Hi @chrisg I feel your pain on domain names!
I have spent forever on domain names over the years, so here are some tips. Don’t come up with anything that isn’t available! How do you avoid this? Simple. Use a domain name generator – just google the term and loads of sites will come up. They’re all a bit different so just experiment with a few. They won’t come up with anything that isn’t available, so that’s a big help.
The other thing I’d do is the list of 100, as Andy mentioned. I love this technique. Use it to pull out themes and words, tag lines etc. and then use them in the domain name generator.
And just a wee thing – I’ve worked in the resilience/sustainability field for years and haven’t come across the word resiliency. At first I thought ‘Is this a word??’ It’s very uncommon outside North America. Road to Resilience is a more global term but I guess it depends on your audience and who you want to reach. Same thing in the end though…
And yes, @lorrainewatson ‘s tag line is great. Accurate, informative.
Re: the dojo. Hmm…not sure about that. I think it narrows your audience a fair bit and unless you are going to weave martial arts into the whole thing then it isn’t authentic.
Now to reply to your other message!
April 5, 2016 at 6:15 pm #20859One more thing…I had a hellish time trying to find any dragon domains. Do you know how many people out there do dragon stuff and copyright it??
Aargh…in the end I called it The Dragon Course, I figured that covered all bases and meant I could always build on it. The Resilience Course is pretty simple, you can add any tag line and it says it like it is. You add a stack of courses under that banner. Just a thought.
April 5, 2016 at 8:18 pm #20870i agree on the tag line, I only put the black belt part in as an attempt to fuse the theme into the course. I think the martial arts theme is going to fit into the flow of the course and bring a good balance between serious high bar training and having fun while doing it. But the martial arts is more of fun concept to play with in the deliver and has little to do with why someone might sign up. Maybe the name and tagline does not have to convey the theme. Any thoughts on this?
As for name I was wondering about still calling it Road to Resiliency but then having the domain be Thoughts on this? Or maybe course just becomes part of the name.
I can try the 100 name challenge as I am not set on the resiliency part, but I have literally put hours in brainstorming right now and it has been the only name I have really been happy with. I did a survey of 20 friends and almost all of them chose it as there top pick. They are also friends from a sub culture that may understand that language better. Interesting thought Lorraine that you did not think resiliency was a common or well understood term as it has been something I have been consciously striving for for 20 years. It is a very common word in the professional emergency management scene but that is a small sub culture as well.
At the moment it is:
Road to Resiliency Course: Skills, Knowledge & Strategies for thriving amidst climate change, extreme weather and uncertain times.
If you think of any other name suggestions please share
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