New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Phew…that was one Loooong process!!!

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  sharon Lock 8 years, 11 months ago
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    sharon Lock

    It feels like it has taken a long time and a lot of head scratching and contemplation to arrive at this point with the outline for the milestones. I think it should, in theory be easier to break down the chapters and lessons.

    a) Connect with others, accountability buddy. 

    b) Meeting with their future self. Review where they are currently at in their life. 

    c) What will happen if they don’t change a thing. 

    d) Creating space for the journey.

    e) Deciding what to take, what to leave and their talisman of strength.
f) Destinations they want to visit. Choose 1-3. (categories of change).

    g) What’s your why for your goal.

    h) Reality checks and Roadblocks. (Building resilience)
 Call on support – Accountability buddy, Virtual team, Family & friends
    j) Releasing blocks and Roadblocks. (Attitude).

    k) Commit to a new road. (Taking action, quick win, power of habit, reward)

    l) New destination
    m) Returning Home (with new core values)

    1. Write a brief description of each of those milestones. 

    a) Introduction to the course and finding your accountability friend.

    b) Meeting with your future self. Review where they are currently at. 
The guide of the course (me) has a letter and tells each person that it is a letter from their future self inviting them on a journey. Liz Gilbert Quote about the Oak tree, their future self encouraging them to grow, expand and reach their full potential.


c) What will happen if they don’t change a thing. 
Guided visualisation – if they don’t change anything where will they be in 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 5yrs time. How will their life look, sound and feel. Who will be with them, what will they be doing?

    d) Creating space for the journey.
Clearing the clutter (physical clutter). Like when you clear your in tray at work in a super efficient way, ready to go on holiday. Or like me if you clean the house before you leave so that you will arrive back to a super tidy and clean house to welcome you home (please tell me that’s not just me LOL). Getting things in order. Clearing things they don’t want, don’t need and addressing things that aren’t finished.

 An understanding of what drains and energises us. Do more of what energises us and let go of as many things as possible that drain us. (exercise with buddy)

    e) Packing their suitcase -Deciding what to take, what to leave and their talisman of strength.
(emotional clutter) Writing down in brief the story of their life so far, (timeline). Recognising the strengths they have demonstrated so far. Encouraging them that they can do this! Releasing the negative aspects of the story so far in a ritual (guided meditation). Decide what will be their talisman on this journey, something that they will take with them that will remind them of the strengths that have displayed so far.


f) Destinations they want to visit. Choose 1-3. (categories of change).
 Personal Power, Relationships, Self-esteem, Health & Body, Prosperity, Fun and adventure, Environment, Work & Career.

    g) What’s your why for your goal. 
Choose one area and goal to begin with. Reflect on what you have at the moment within this area, what’s working, what’s not. How would you like it to be, if there were no barriers to achieving your goal. dream big! What’s your why?? (adding emotions to the goal)


h) Reality checks and Roadblocks. (Building resilience)
What has stood in your way so far. Why don’t you have this already? 
What are your strengths and weaknesses that can support you or get in your way in achieving this goal. Play to your strengths and get help with your weakness from your support team.


i) Call on support – Accountability buddy, Virtual team, Family & friends
 creating your virtual team. Your very own board of directors, can be anyone dead or alive, famous or everyday. What would their advice be to you.


j) Releasing blocks and Roadblocks. (Addressing attitude).
 Process using self muscle testing to let go of the blocks.


k)Commit to a new road. (Taking action; quick win; power of habit; reward)
 positive reinforcement, creating new neural pathways. 

    l) New destination
. Check back at your second category and follow the same process. Then the third goal, rinse and repeat.

    m) Returning Home (with new core values)
. Firstly recognising that you had everything you needed inside yourself to make the change. That the journey was one of internal change and that although it was nice to travel and to visit those places you could equally have performed that process right here at home. It is you that are powerful not this journey or process. 
Creating a new set of core values to hold yourself accountable to when your accountability friend is off on another adventure. A kind of accountability buddy that sits on your shoulder and reminds you of the promises you made to yourself within this process. 

    I’m not sure about how the flow will go from points F – L when I’m asking them to choose 1-3 categories then to first focus on 1, go through the process and then return to category 2 that they chose and go through the same process again. Hmmm… will have to ponder that one. Also the idea of everyone choosing a different category and working on their individual goals. It might be useful for people to learn from each other in this way or it might get a bit messy. There is no doubt that taking them through the same categories together would be easier but there are too many categories and it would make the course too long. I’d love to have any feedback at all as to whether you think it would work.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Sharon, this is a great flush out of the course. Well done.

    One suggestion is that instead of saying, “pick 1-3 areas.” Be firm with your instructions. Tell them to pick 1, 2 or 3. Don’t give them space to waffle around. As the leader, you need to be direct with your instructions.

    So the question to you is what’s the best number to:
    1. facilitate the transformation you’re intending,
    2. keep the process simple and uncomplicated,
    3. keep your participants fully engaged?


    sharon Lock

    Great advice, thank you Bradley. Will dive back in and have a think about it.

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