New Home Forums Progress Logs Penny's Pilgrim Peakward Path

22 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Penny Claringbull

    My imagination rings like a clear crystal bell
    It chimes across the space between galaxies
    Builds palaces and crumbles castles
    Grows velvet meadows and sprinkles them with stars

    My imagination weaves incense ropes to heaven
    Touches me with rose-petal fingers
    Pads through my mind on jaguar paws
    And sees the world through super-nova eyes


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I <3 your Imagination @pennyclaringbull!


    Jessica Antonelli

    Love this! Such a sensory experience reading that 🙂 Will you be delighting your students with your poetry, @pennyclaringbull?


    Penny Claringbull

    I’m finally starting a progress log, prompted by this morning’s webinar which was so good I just about fell off my chair in relief. Carol’s issues were identical to mine and I realised I have been spending a hell of a lot of time on the tech side of things.
    I don’t have a website, a list, an anything so I thought I’d better start building one alongside the Dragon Course so I have a home base to promote it from. I have had the idea for ‘Storyself’ for a while, a place to share fantasy/imagination based tools to support people who are activists/environmentalists/world changers. Rather than for that whole manifesting for wealth kind of stuff.
    So then I had to build a wordpress site, find an image that fits, come up with a tagline. Which I did, yay for me!
    Then I started thinking about ‘home’ and ‘about’ pages and so on, pillar posts blah blah. Which led me to try video and a kind of manifesto with images. But I know nothing about video so I experimented with a raft of options before going with wevideo and a combo of slides and clips. Which meant sourcing images, playing with text, finding free video that fit, using canva and picmonkey,, pixlr…oh god…
    Alongside all of this I have been reading Launch, Nathalie Lussier’s 30 Day Email Listbuilding Challenge, various blogging free courses plus an innumerable load of other resources. Way, way too many.
    And that led to a whirlwind in my mind: ‘When do I need an autoresponder, can I figure out analytics, mailchimp is really hard and how do I use it anyway, should I develop Storyself first, but what about my actual course, how the hell do I learn all these bits and pieces, what’s my funnel, when am I going to create all this, I need to find a new job but it has to be part-time or I won’t be able to do all this, I really wish I could use the whole Adobe Creative Suite, I want to use pdfs but I don’t have Adobe and how will they fill it out anyway, would Word docs do, we need to find a new house soon, I need to make my free offering for people to sign up for Storyself but I have to do that for the Dragon Course too. AAAAAAAARGH!!!!
    Audio will be a big part of my course so I ordered a proper recording set up with headphones/microphone etc. But I have been unable to overcome a problem using it with Audacity – my voice goes really slow when I’m recording over a backing track and I’ve wasted hours (days) trying to fix it. Then my buddy Ken said, ‘Just use your phone.’ What?? I spent all this money and I’m going to use a free app? So I did and the bloody dog next door barked in the middle. But my journalist son said, ‘Just put a blanket over your head Mum. That’s what all the journos do when they’re recording in hotel rooms.’
    And I did. And it worked. The Lesson? KISI. Keep It Simple, Idiot.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    What a great update @pennyclaringbull. Congratulations for all the forward movement. All these things that you’re setting up are foundational for your course to springboard off of. If looking for a great, simple, sexy WordPress editor, we use “Thrive”. It’s awesome! @andyfreist can tell you more if you have questions.

    Glad you’re having fun playing around with audio, video and website creation.

    IF you’re not at Automatora River yet, you may wanna skip ahead to it because it will help you solve the question marks around automation. 😉

    Looking forward to more updates from you soon!


    Penny Claringbull

    Spinning my wheels a bit here because I’m not sure where best to put my energy. This is what I want to achieve:

    1. A home-base site, Storyself, which will be my ‘treetrunk’ site. WordPress, currently on Bluehost.
    2. An email list – no idea on tech side. Mailchimp? Hated it last time I tried to use it. Generated via the homebase website.
    3. The Dragon Course, hosted on Teachable. One of the branches coming off my tree.

    I have material for both 1 and 2 but plenty of work left to do.

    So here is my dilemma – which comes first?

    It seems to make sense to listbuild via Storyself and then use that list to promote the Dragon Course. But it does mean a sideways journey into building that site up, producing some free content for signups and then promoting the course with that list.

    Or do I just say stuff the home site, I’ll just do the Dragon on its own. But then I have to build a list and do all the promo for one course when I want to build my community broader than that…???

    I am thinking about the 80/20 rule but I think there’s also another rule – I have no idea what it is called….how about:

    ‘Start in the right spot or you will put 80/20% of your energy in the wrong place and you will no longer be going up the mountain but off a cliff…into the abyss, never to be heard from again…’

    I’m feeling a bit like I’m the only person here who doesn’t already have an established web presence/business in the field of their ecourse, so this might not be an issue for anyone else.

    But if it is, then it’s a question for a webinar maybe? @bradleytmorris @andyfreist


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi @pennyclaringbull,

    This is a great question and my guess is, you’re not the only one who is in this predicament.

    My suggestion is: Stay on the Path.

    At Funnelle Caves you’re going to receive a template to build your own UCSE 5000 website, similar to our’s.

    Then at Marketa Ridge we’re going to help you craft your marketing plan so you can get your course in front of humans who’ll want it.

    I think completing your course is going to really solidify who you are, what you are offering and who your audience is… all of that will then go into the site we’re going to support you with 🙂

    Feel free to ask more questions and if your intuition is telling you to go another route, then always trust that.

    @andyfreist, any second thoughts?


    Penny Claringbull

    And that, @bradleytmorris , is why I have become such a devoted, loyal fan of this adventure. You are really role-modelling how to run a transformational course by being responsive and supportive and…quick! And fun and creative – Andy on the cloud/the talking buddha was fabulous. Definitely the best one yet.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    hahaha So happy you’re loving it so much @pennyclaringbull!!

    Master ZenTeach is so wise. Wise beyond my years. Thank God he has Andy as a disciple, otherwise I’d be lost.


    Chris Gilmour


    Hey Penny, I came looking for this post after the last coaching webinar and hearing about your process and questions. i thought it would be great to connect. I have had a very similar experience as yourself.

    1) I do not have an existing web presence, I am starting from scratch (kind of, I am connected to a number of networks but have no website or e-mail list or blog or youtube channel)

    2) I intend to have a homebase site, a e-mail list and run a number of courses that are marketed through the homebase but are also stand alone products.

    3) Do not have a particularly strong tech back ground (although I intend and am excited to develop it)

    4) Have found it a lot to sort through and think about all at once and am very thankful for the framework of this course for guiding this experience.

    5) I’m interested in supporting people who are activists/environmentalists/world changers and good people doing good things in general.

    So thank you for your posts and dialog with @bradleytmorris on here. I have found the conversation quite helpful and am really starting to refine my strategy for balancing all these.

    I think I am going with 80% energy on going through the steps of this course knowing they are going to get to most of the other things I have been thinking about anyways, and 20% working on learning to get my blog/homebase page up and running and networking.

    Not sure where in the world you live but if your interested in chatting over the phone or skype sometime to do some collective brainstorming around strategy for all this and sharing what we have been learning I would be interested.

    Chris Gilmour
    Road to Resiliency E-Course
    & Changing World Project


    Penny Claringbull

    Hi @chrisg

    It’s not easy is it? There is so much conceptualising to be done before the actual nuts and bolts stuff, which is quite time consuming enough!

    I’d love to have a chat – I’m in Queensland, Australia, where are you? I use whatsapp to catch up with my buddy Ken (who has many affinities with you, I think, dojos, martial arts, natural world, resilience) so that is good for me. Or Skype, but Ken and I failed on that one 🙂

    I’m very interested in your project because I’ve been working in sustainability/resilience education for many years. Mainly around water quality/conservation and urban run off to the Great Barrier Reef. I’m a climate change refugee too, kind of, in that we left our beloved N. Qld tropical home for a cool, high mountain area 1500 kms south. We figured we’d beat the rush. I suspect that fewer and fewer people will think we’re crazy as each year goes by.

    Anyway, let me know what timezone you’re in and we’ll figure something out!


    Chris Gilmour

    Sounds good Penny, I’ll look into the whatsapp, do you have a link to where you got it?

    I’m pretty busy the next 10 days on the road teaching across the province but I’d love to chat sometime after next Thursday.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Love seeing two fellow adventurers on the trail making connections and getting together to talk. @pennyclaringbull
    an @chrisg

    You are indeed right Penny. There is so much more that goes into crafting an incredible course experience than one might think. Ain’t it great though!?


    Penny Claringbull

    I am kind of embarrassed to put this out there, but here goes….

    We’ve had a crazy 2 weeks because we (and the bank) bit the bullet and bought a house. ‘Thank god all that research paid off,’ I said to Michael. I am a bit obsessive about research when I have a big question to answer.

    It’s a good thing all that effort paid off because I spent hundreds (literally) of hours researching selling our old house and buying in a new city. Including whether it’s worth buying at all. And I visited hundreds (literally) of houses before we got The One. And discovered all sorts of hidden info and tricks and traps on the way. And…got lovely results with both selling and buying.

    ‘You should share that information,’ Michael said. ‘Houses are most people’s biggest financial outlay and too many people get stung. Homes are important, they’re a foundation for families and dreams.’ Uh oh….

    So I resisted the idea. And resisted the idea. This was not what I had in mind. But I finally decided that maybe…I should….share all my work via an ecourse for homebuyers. ‘The Right House’ (ha!) Including visualisations, handling stress, plus all the nitty gritty practical stuff. Sustainability features. Etc. I already know that it doesn’t exist in an Australian context or I would have found it. And I confess that I have sometimes been amazed by the situations friends have got into, that needn’t have happened if they’d done the work.

    So…it’s all mapped out and themed and chunked and I’m into it. It’s flowing along like a river because everything I need is at my fingertips and I’ve been living it for the last 18 months.

    As for the Dragons? They are not dead, just lying quietly in their caves until I return to liberate them. This is a pretty radical change of direction and I have been tossing and turning a bit over whether I am just sabotaging myself, but I don’t think so. Especially because it’s coming so easily. Plus much of the work I’ve done so far/skills I’ve gained is transferable. That is the whole point of the Great Ecourse Adventure after all.

    So there we are. From The Dragon Course to The Right House. A bit of a pivot!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    HA!!! I love it @pennyclaringbull. I love how you’re listening and I love the course. You have a HUGE market to bring that to. Celeste and I have done a lot of the visioning, journaling and dream work when looking for our perfect house and so far it’s worked the last three times. This is a course that people will want 100%. The dragon course is exciting and I can’t wait to see it AND this course feels extremely practical and like there is a big market waiting for you to give it to them.

    I can see affiliate partners potentially being real estate agents and websites where people go find their dream home.

    This feels really good Penny. Way to go!!!

    Onwards up the mountain. I wonder what’s going to happen next!

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