New Home Forums Monthly Challenges October 2017 Pass me the comfort blankie please…

87 replies, 12 voices Last updated by  Sara McCann 7 years, 2 months ago
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    Hi @saramccann

    Fantastic intro video you have make their – Gooooooooooood job 🙂



    Sara McCann

    Thanks so much @mars @laurakoller @learnandgetsmarter @davidj and @xbobby.

    I know we all say it, so it ends up being a bit cliched, but the fact is, it’s so true! The feedback, support and just pure loveliness of all you guys makes the journey possible! I appreciate the time you all have given to look at what I have done and share your thoughts and improvements to assist.

    @davidj – man, I love your pearls of wisdom!! Thank you! And completely ditto!!

    Personally, I am happy with the video but not so much with the sales page. It all got too rushed in the end and I didn’t have time to tweak it and improve it as I would have liked. However, I do keep in my mind that thing I heard, and have quoted before ‘if you’re not embarrassed by the first thing you launched then you left it too late to launch’ So, I won’t allow myself to feel bad about the sales page. It’s a first effort and it’s ok.

    I didn’t get a pre-sale or a sign up. I’m ok about that too. I learned a lot and achieved a lot. That’s the important thing. I am still confident that once I tweak that sales page and then start to market it all and push it those sales will come. It just needs a little more time, that’s all.

    I think, on reflection, I spent far too long in the planning and preparing stage. Some of  that was necessary to learn things, and I’m not suggesting I need to throw the planning out of the window in the future. Just simply, not spend too long deliberating on it. As what I have found is that, once you get in there and start creating it – you realise that half of that careful planning you did has to be abandoned because it doesn’t work in translation – once it comes to applying it and fitting it into your end vehicle. Does that make sense? I hope so.

    The Nike brand has the answer – Just do it! And then the answers will come! That is my biggest learning from this challenge. I just need to throw myself into my ideas and do them.

    So…I have been out at work work all day. I am home and the sofa is calling my name – it says it’s missed me – the feelings are mutual. I just wanted to share the above with you all before I close the door on this months challenge. Very excited about the next bit of my journey, my mind is whirring about what to do next. So many things, such little time!

    Much love and admiration to each and everyone of you!




    So… what link can I share @saramccann ?

    I hear you re the sofa, though mine has a small, manspreading, football watching boy on it.

    Well done on all that you’ve achieved. So so proud of you!


    Sara McCann

    Ah, thank you so much @mars! You are so beautiful! You can share either of the links. The sales page link ( has the video on there and the video link on you tube ( will  direct them to the sales page after watching it. So whichever works best with the medium you’re sharing it on really.

    Ha, clearly there’s a UK sofa take over by the males! I turned around and bam! My sofa has been spread across too! Tottenham v real Madrid by any chance? Bloody men folk!  😂


    Rebecca Cuevas

    You just did it, girl! LOVE YOUR MOVIE! So proud of you I could bust!



    @saramccann The very same match. Looking good at 3-1 currently!



    Wow the movie is fantastic!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    @saramccann, I’m so happy to se the lessons you learned during this challenge. Just Do It is a powerful lesson. That’s how I’ve done my entrepreneurial path for 13+ years. I think it, then I do it, before I can think my way out of doing it.

    The sales page looks really good. It’s a wonderful version 1. These things can always get better and I’m sure a few days of being away from it, you’ll get re-inspired.

    A few suggestions:

    1. Something I’d suggest is your “PS” is actually an “About You”. That’s an important part of selling people. I’d suggest, a big bold title there that says “Meet your Escape Team” and then a picture of you beside the bio. it will build a connection.
    2. The quote about Hypnosis being the most effective. I’d make that much bigger. you want it to pop. Then you need a follow up after that that’s says why you’re the boss lady for the job. Also, I found that particular colour of orange to be hard to read. It might just be late here and my eyes are blurry, but it was super duper bright on the eyes.  A little mellower orange may be good. @andyfreist or @elijah may have advice on that.
    3. At the bottom of the page is an “Enter your Text” bar.
    4. At the end of the page, Id make a small piece that says “About MindTrix” and share a couple sentences about the types of transformational courses MindTrix is into making. Let folks know more will come. You could even have an opt-in at the bottom that says, “not sure if your’e ready? Give your email and I’ll send you the first audio experience OR I’ll send you a reminder in 30 days to see if your’e ready then.”  At least capture an email if you can  🙂
    5. Get a logo/banner made up for the top of the page that says MindTrix presents in small letters and then your name and tagline below. If budget is tight, do it on … Search logo dsigners and find someone you like. it’s super cheap. A logo/banner will take the site up 10 notches in professionalism and polish. Don’t stress about timelines. It’ll be done when it’s done. This’ll be an important little piece. The cherry on the cake.
    6. Keep believing in yourself and remembering to have fun. Make this sales page a work of art, just like you did the video. You’ve got the words there, now have some fun, add some sparkle and make it art   😉
    7. You’re making something that’s going to impact the lives of thousands of people and make you hundreds of thousands of dollars… if not more. Don’t play small on this one Sara. Your’e in the big leagues now   😉

    Great job on all this progress. It’s great to see you producing your courses!!! Hallelujah.


    Sara McCann

    @learnandgetsmarter – you have brought a tear to my eye! Thank you Mother Rebecca, I am so grateful for you! My video was built around fire so I think this is an appropriate description….There’s no smoke without fire…and hey…if my video was (tongue in cheek) smokin’ hot then your video was the fire that created that smoke! I couldn’t have done it without you! X

    @david Thank you! A lot of frustration and admittedly, some tears, but it was worth the journey!

    @bradleytmorris wow! Thank you soo much for all that fantastic feedback! I am incredibly grateful to you for taking the time to look at all that for me. Those are fantastic points you have made and I will set about working through them.

    Funny thing…you suggested getting a logo designed through fiverr. I have never been on fiverr and in the past day or so, since you made that comment, I have been resting from screens and taking a little ‘time out’ to recalibrate. So haven’t had a chance to go on fiverr or research logo designs or anything and yet…my facebook timeline has an advert from fiverr every few posts or so…and the thing they’re pushing? Getting logos designed on fiverr!! Jeez, I knew Google watched your every move but she’s even here, watching these conversations too!?!? Mad!

    Thanks again Bradley! So grateful to you. I don’t know that I quite feel I’m in the big leagues now but somehow…in someway…for some reason…things feel different. I feel like the universe has shifted, the ground feels different beneath my feet. I don’t know what the hell that is! Maybe my imagination, maybe the full moon!?! Things just don’t feel like they were. Between this odd feeling beneath my feet and Google’s predictive ways I feel like I’m in the Twilight zone. lol!

    Anyway, maybe I just need to rest some more! Probably! lol.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Happy new now @saramccann!!



    Whoop whoop @saramccann



    <span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>saramccann I’m sure your cold is long gone by now. But for future reference, my doc prescribed hot tea, honey, and fresh lemon. I did this at least three times a day back in October for a chest cold that wouldn’t quit. And it was gone in less than a week. I do miss the husky voice it caused, however.

    @bradleytmorris I love your advice: “Stick to the basics. What is the course, what is the transformation, what is the funnest way you can deliver it?”

    @davidj I like your idea of a “simple version of a community lab where they pay in (cheap now) to see it grow and get built” Where can I learn more about such?

    @mars and @bradleytmorris “fun and booze.” Yes!

    <span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>laurakoller thanks for your video and wall inspiration

    <span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>LearnAndGetS amazing video!


    @davidj simple version of a community lab where they pay in (cheap now) to see it grow and get built



    Sara McCann

    Thank you @paulcj2

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