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Caroline 9 years, 1 month ago

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New Home › Forums › Build My Dream Team › Out of the Box – Hunting
Hey there this is Caro and I am hunting for a trail buddy. I don’t mind whether you are a female male or anything in-between!
I am deeply involved in music, sound and health activism – have been for years. I have also always lived and operated within the alternative subcultural dance scene in the UK and mainland Europe and that informs my work. Teaching spiritual aspects of music and sound within a grounded theoretical frame work really turns me on, and sound healing is a massive free resource that is all of our heritage. Additionally I accompany women through childbirth and work with a women’s health project teaching sound and also run a weekly low cost reiki clinic.
I have an idea to set up an interactive music teaching ecourse, which is at once practical, engaging, collaborative, educational, cross cultural, and imagination firing. Maybe for adults and children. Including health and spirituality. Whether that is still the course that wants to happen during this adventure remains to be seen!
I am looking for some-one who has a sense of humour and who can also enjoy the cultural differences between US & UK. I am looking for some-one who is patient and cool but who can also share cheerleading and rope holding as we scale the heights.
If you really knew me you would know that i am an enigmatic mix of feminine and masculine energies, I absolutely love good vegan food and I also like to consider and look at all points of view in order to make informed decisions. I can be very slow and then fast like the speed of lightening once a decision has been made. I am very creative and have a lot of ideas. I can also be a professional contrarian, my humour deadpan.
I am generous and accepting of difference and also pretty sussed and tolerant. Equality for all beings on this planet is very important to me.
Hey Caro, sounds all very exciting and resonating with me. I’d be happy to be buddies with you on this ride. Only thing I am taking another class in January to clarify my niche and hopefully then be able to jump in with much more clarity.
I have no idea what the time frame of this ecourse actually is… however, just want to mention I might have a slower start. If that is Ok with you… (then again who knows I might be also on fire through the other class).
I am open.
Yay, another match!!!
A couple clarifying points for you @awi:
1) Starting January 11th, a new checkpoint will open every couple weeks. If you need more than that, no problemo.
2) When you get to Architekt Forest (checkpoint 4) you’ll receive tons of clarity, which I’m sure will compliment the course you’re going to take.
We’re super excited 🙂
If you are still hunting for a buddy let me know. I have a music background both classical and teaching and I also study spirituality.
thanks @bradleytmorris. I am taking Tad’s niching spiral beta course. It’ll be a great combo for sure! Exciiiiitinnnggg indeed!
Hi Cristin, greetings, I just got to check Awi and then will let you know.
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