New Home Forums Sales & Marketing Our new GEA marketing strategy

5 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 7 years, 9 months ago
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    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hey you wild adventurers,

    After this mechanical bull ride of a launch we experienced over the last few weeks, we have finally found a strategy that feels like a total YES.

    One really splendid thing about this is that it is an “evergreen” approach – IE: consistent, reliable income rather than doing big (exhausting) launch rodeos a couple times a year.

    Essentially, we are modeling John Lee Dumas’ strategy for Podcaster’s Paradise – which brings in about $200k every month. It works. And it’s consistent.

    So whats the strategy?

    Essentially, we are going to:

    • conduct a weekly live workshop (webinar)
    • use Facebook ads to generate traffic and workshop registrations (and also affiliates, guest posts, speaking engagements, etc)
    • Then at the end of the live workshop, we are going to give a tour of the GEA backend and invite everyone to become a member.
    • For further incentive to make the leap, we will offer a discounted rate to workshop participants for a short period after the webinar (24-48 hours).

    What we love about this approach is that we get to facilitate a live, personal experience with potential students, and that it will be an ongoing thing. It will allow us to get REALLY good at conducting webinars (and public speaking), and keep a constant flow of new, excited students hopping on the mountain.

    Now, one thing I want to point out is that we are needing to take the UCSE5000 in for repairs 😛 (If you aren’t at Funelle Caves yet, you can ignore this part). Basically, the UCSE5000 is too futuristic to be fully compatible with our present day reality, so we called on our Future Selves to send something more suitable. We got to unleash the UCSE5000 into the wild during our launch this month, and it was just too mind-blowingly next-level that people couldn’t handle it. Literally heads were exploding. That’s not really a solid marketing strategy, as we need our students to have heads, so we will be receiving a new UCSE5000 soon.

    For those who are working at that stage now, here’s a little sumthin to get your creative juices flowin’…

    1. Set up a landing page with your course branding and trailer video. On that page, also create an opt-in with a super juicy offer. You’re basically offering a micro-version of whatever your course is about. It could be a live workshop/webinar, an email course, a mini course, etc. The key thing is that it feels “led” or facilitated. Don’t just send people to a free module from your course. Craft an experience that is simple, easy to get through, and facilitated every step of the way. We LOVE webinars, because they are SO engaging, and we have full control of the entire experience, along with real connection with our potential tribe members.
    2. Facilitate the experience. The goal is to create rapport with your potential students, provide them with massive value, and whet their appetite for your offering.
    3. After the experience is nearing the end, give them a tour of your course and community. Show them your home.
    4. Make your pitch. Be confident in your course, show them everything they get, and make it be a no-brainer. Be excited and passionate.
    5. Follow up
    6. Rinse and repeat.

    That’s a simplified explanation, i know. We will be providing more resources on this soon, as well as a deep-dive webinar.

    One more thing – I will be taking over managing our Facebook Ads. I never wanted to have to learn this stuff. It just doesn’t really appeal to me. But at this stage of our growth, it’s the way to go. And admittedly, it IS a good skill to have.

    Well lucky for me (and you) I stumbled upon an AMAZING app called AdEspresso, which basically is a third-party Facebook Ads Manager/Interface. It makes it super easy and intuitive to create, manage and split-test ads. It actually has me a wee bit excited to dive into FB ads (crazy right?!) So I am taking over managing our Facebook ads. And we’ll be sharing our discoveries along the way.

    Here it is:

    Mkay, that’s all kids.

    Now get back to work, er, *cough*, PLAY!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Huzzah for finding something that feels like a good fit!

    And I know *I* appreciate you guys going through the growing pains and bringing the lessons back to the rest of us. The big PLF-style launch model continues to be a thing out there — and I’m still not sure why (besides that it works for certain of the products/markets). I like the high-touch aspect you’re weaving into this latest plan. As wonderful as automation is, there is just something about real human contact.

    I will be interested to see how the current UCSE could be retrofitted with some progress bars or something to keep people engaged through the whole process as originally envisioned. I’m also interested in what the new UCSE 5000 winds up looking like and how well she works out for you guys.

    Here’s to sustainable growth and compassionate sales — cheers!


    Jutta Dobler

    Thank so much @andyfreist for the update and the AdEspresso link. Am also doing (and not loving 🙂 ) my own fb ads, curious to see what it is all about.

    It is wonderful for us to be able to learn from your experience, without having to try it all out for ourselves (normally my approach), and it is so inspiring to see how quickly you get back up on the bull after being thrown off!

    Thanks so much for that, and happy continued climbing



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks for the great summary on the rodeo. Yeehaw!!

    Looking forward to diving in even deeper on todays’ coaching campfire!

    (yup, I just subtly plugged our free coaching webinars to attract more viewers…)


    Lisa R

    So interesting to read what you’ve discovered. Have to admit there were points where I was a bit worried about you guys! Thanks for braving the storm and coming back to report on it so that we’re all a little better rain proofed. And for sharing the stuff that went wrong too. It reminds me of the poem about bees making honey from failure… (can’t remember who posted it now!)

    Rock on fearless leaders, rock on.

    What was that Bradley, did I hear you say something about subtly plugging the FREE COACHING WEBINARS?



    Penny Claringbull

    @andyfreist  This is perfect as I’m about to start looking at my landing page/opt-in offer and I was going to do just that – send people to a mini-course. But I think you’re right about the facilitation bit, making it personal. And doing a tour of the course is brilliant. It makes so much sense – why didn’t I think of that? Aaah…that’s what you guys are here for 🙂

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