6 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Waymatea 9 years ago
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My name is Beth Ann Locke and I’m a fundraiser. I love my calling and I want to help others – especially those new to fundraising – become better fundraisers (and best navigate the challenges). I’m from Seattle, WA but am living in Vancouver, BC.
I currently blog about and speak about fundraising (the nuts and bolts of doing) and also about balancing life and work as a fundraiser. I signed up for this course because I would love to be teaching eCourses, and think this is fun and interactive – the sort of thing I like. I also host a salon called Ms.Rupt which brings together women fundraisers to talk about and find solutions to challenges fundraisers experience (e.g., generational differences and similarities in the workplace, challenges between those with and without families, and workplace bullying).
What kind of e-course I want to create… is one that gets into the tactics and strategies of working with donors, especially major gift donors. I have one eCourse that I do with my fundraising BFF called GratitudeCamp. I love engaging fundraisers this way, and enjoy making it fun and go-at-your-own-pace, since finding time for professional development can be difficult and conferences are expensive.
What makes me come most alive is: gathering lots of people together for a cocktail party or dinner party (or some other reason – but food helps, right?) and making connections between diverse people. I believe that relationships are key to everything we do.
I was a fundraiser in one of my past professional incarnations. I was responsible for working with institutional donors and was always mystified by the process of working with the major individual donors. What a great offering.
It’s so great to have you here @Beth. I love that you have a course called, “Gratitude Camp.” In one of my previous business incarnations I was known as one of the “GratiDudes” and we spread the gratitude all over the world (see here). Totally different things, but both centred around gratitude.
I also 100% agree. Our relationships are everything!
I can’t wait to see the kind of engaging, FUN- fundraising course you come up with.
Let’s climb this mountain 🙂
Thanks, Kate! I’m impressed you’ve also been a fundraiser. Some of it is basic: listening (really listening) and great customer service.
LOL, Bradley! Too funny. I’m excited to get going!
Hi Beth!
Some of my favourite people are fundraisers. No, seriously. When you spend your life in the Arts and working at not-for-profits, you tend to be impressed by anyone who can do it well.
Welcome aboard. Looking forward to journeying with you.
Hi Beth,
It’s very nice to meet you here. I enjoyed reading about your work, and I wish you the best with creating your fundraising e-course!
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