New Home Forums Community, Engagement & Gamification Octalysis Prime Kickstarter

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Dr.Wayne Buckhanan 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Hey, folks.

    I know that Yu-kai Chou and his Octalysis gamification framework have come up in conversations here and thought I’d share his Kickstarter campaign.

    Looks like it will have some good conversations about real-world gamification that could be handy for those of us who are wanting to push forward on that front.



    Deb Robson

    Hmmmm. . . . Where there are llamas and camels (fiber providers) there’s probably a spot for handspinners. . . .


    Lisa R

    This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!

    His community area is a campfire too!

    Think I might add his book to the ever-growing stack of must reads on my bedside table…



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Lisa, it’s only 500 pages. You can breeze through that during a single sitting, right? It’s probably only one nap time for the wee one.

    Oh, and in case anyone else was on the fence, I’ve been emailing with Yu-kai and he seems like a really cool guy. I’m glad I got in on the Octalysis Prime offer and it hasn’t even really opened up yet. I think it is one of those GEA type investments that I will forever think was a great idea.

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