New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines NiN Rank scrolls

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Deb Robson 8 years, 8 months ago
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    I have created “scrolls” (a.k.a.) chapters for the first ranking level for our Ninjas in Nature training program, or the rank of NiN.  Here are the scrolls/chapters:

    • Prep/Journal/Zanshin Zone

    getting a notebook, minds eye journaling, and getting a sit spot in nature (aka zanshin zone)

    • First aid and safety

    putting together a basic first aid kit

    • Fire

    match lighting challenge, and one match fire challenge

    • Shelter

    basic knot tying and putting up a tarp shelter

    • Water

    purifying water on a fire

    • Food

    identifying 5 local edibles

    • Movement

    forward and backward ninja rolls (zenpo/koho kaiten) in nature

    silent/fox walking challenge

    • Animal

    bird language mapping exercise

    • Tracking

    tracking exercise

    • Time, Space, and Energy

    peripheral vision training (aka “ninjavision”), sit spot landmark mapping



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I LOVE IT @sojnab!! Scrolls is a great idea. It’ll be so fun for participants to go through. 

    Your course outline looks so awesome too Kenneth. I’m excited to learn from you by taking your Ninja course!!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome, I love the scrolls idea!

    Really excited to build your platform for you. I can tell this one’s gonna be fun 🙂


    Deb Robson

    Fox walking! Yes! (and more, but that struck me)

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