New Home Forums Introductions Mystical and Alternative Health Studies

7 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Waymatea 9 years, 1 month ago
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    My name is: Laurie Szott-Rogers<br clear=”none” />I teach:at The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada<br clear=”none” />Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:We have had a small college for many years, but we are getting closer to retirement age. I would like to create courses that will allow us to pass on our knowledge and create ongoing income. I chose this course in particular because I am motivated by passion and inspiration. This is what I like to teach my students and this is how I like to learn. This course had great appeal because it excited me! I am looking forward to implementing my ideas in a way that puts passion first and this course promises to do that.<br clear=”none” />What kind of e-course I want to create:I have created 2/3rds of an aromatherapy course on-line. I do not want to start from scratch with this one, but will be inspired to enhance it. I have other courses and programs I have not yet started putting in an on-line format ranging from flower essences, aromatherapy, herbology(my husband’s specialty), to dreamwork and goddess studies. These courses which currently exist at our college may also benefit from  this new approach.<br clear=”none” />What makes me come most alive is: Creating ideas, making potions, brainstorming…..turning ideas into products.  But NOT the technical aspects—I am very behind this way.




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    WooHoo Laurie. You are so on the right mountain. Given your love and passions, you’re going to be wildly inspired by the journey in front of you. Thanks so much for saying yes to you, sharing your passions and going on this wild adventure with all of us  🙂

    We’re excited to support your creative process!!


    Kate Arms

    Passion first. I so hear you on that. Here is to passionate learning we turn into passionate teaching!



    Nice to meet you, Laurie! My husband lived in Edmonton for a time… great city (if a bit chilly in the winter). I enjoy your passion for sharing your knowledge…



    Hi Beth: Thanks for introducing yourself. Where do you live now? I look forward to hearing more about you!





    Hi Beth


    Lovely to meet a sister potion lover!    Hope to be able to support you on your journey. Sounds fascinating!



    Hi Alysa- thanks for checking in and saying hi. I look forward to learning more about you, on our wonderful adventure.





    Hi Laurie,

    SO nice to meet you here. I am fascinated by so many of the areas that you work in, and wish you the best in this program:)


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