4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    1) What is motivating you to climb this mountain and create your eCourse right now?

    Because I don’t want to die with my music still in me. I want to live a life true to myself. I want to inspire others to do the same. Life is short. The time to live is NOW. To fully express yourself.

    These quotes really get me at the core:

    “Don’t die with your music still in you.” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

    “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Bronnie Ware (The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying)

    Thoughts like these have been on my mind since I was young.

    The course I am here to create was a Divine download a year ago when I was starting a big transformation (letting go of things) in my business. This new course felt SO RIGHT. I was excited. And… I stopped moving forward- darn head games! (Well, not completely stopped- I’ve been creating Mermaid Monday Motivational Minute videos this whole year as a means to express myself.)

    Then, recently I had a health scare. For the first time I was the one in the hospital with the IV put in, waiting to go in for testing.

    As I laid there I thought, ‘I still have music in me!!’

    The uncertainty of the time we get here really hit home (it’s so easy to take for granted each day).

    In that moment I knew I had to stop playing small. To stop swimming in circles. To stop lallygagging. To stop overthinking. To stop waiting for permission. To stop questioning. And to start creating!

    This is my inspiration to keep climbing. It is something I must do to get that music on paper and share my song with the world.

    To inspire others to live a life true to them and to experience more joy and meaning. To see themselves. To express themselves. To LIVE NOW.

    2) What will you do or what will change when you replace your “Active Work Income” with Passive Income from eCourse sales?

    Enjoy more freedom! More time and resources to live, express myself, create, play, spend with family and travel. Also more time to share my heart with volunteer work. (Ever since my father passed I’ve been feeling a tug to volunteer in hospice.)

    p.s. As for my health scare- they didn’t find anything. I seem to be on my way back to normal (well, a ‘new’ normal). Perhaps it was all a means to get me to ‘wake up and show up.’


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    THIS>>>>>> “Because I don’t want to die with my music still in me.”  

    I can’t tell you how resonant that is with me right now – I am literally hosting a 10 day music production retreat – to teach others (and deepen my skills) how to get the music out before the part where we shed these fragile little bodies 🙂

    You really do have a perfect mind-state for this work.

    Keep trekking – you are going to do great things 🙂



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Andy- That is AWESOME!!!! I was wondering what the retreat was that you were doing. I can’t even put into words how important music is in this world. Thank you for expressing yourself and inspiring and guiding others to do the same. The world NEEDS that music! YES!

    Also grateful for THIS expression. So grateful. This is seriously The. Best. eCourse. Ever. I can only imagine how epic that retreat is you are hosting! Rock on!


    Lara Newell-Barrette

    Wow!  Goosebumps over here.  This is so beautiful Bobbie Jo (and Andy!).

    Long story short, my husband is a song writer and musician.  He has that Wayne Dyer quote on his website and it is a major motivator in our lives.

    I am so with you.  It took me a loooong time to finally get up the courage to  start living true to myself (I’m currently 47 and the last 13 years have been quite a journey).  I wish I hadn’t waited so long but even more, I’m so grateful that I finally decided to make the commitment to myself and not die with my music still in me.

    Kudos for committing to yourself BJ!  Go you!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Lara- that is AWESOME!

    Yes, it is quite a journey. And one I’ve been on for quite some time also!! Like you said, it’s definitely in the gratitude for making the commitment!

    Excited to be on this mountain getting our music out there together!!!

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