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May 28, 2016 at 9:27 pm #23750
I came up with a first draft of 10 core principles behind why I do what I do and my ecourse. Thought I’d post and see if you had any thoughts or insights. Are these clear enough for you to say you feel a connection or disagree?
Core Principles behind my work:
a. The guidance we seek is found all around us in the messages, signs, signals and patterns in our daily lives. Listening and broadening our awareness to what is appearing is a skill we continually develop and have with us wherever we are.b. What you do, does not determine who you are. But who you are will show up in everything you do. Being isn’t about stillness. Being is about bringing ourselves to Life and being our true self full out in everything we do.
c. The journey of discovery is a non-linear process. Sometimes it’s messy, chaotic and overwhelming. Other times it’s flowing, clear and inspiring. And more often than we’d like, we find ourselves back in territory we’ve already covered and thought we’d left behind.
d. Our journey of discovery is founded in three components – space, unique self, community. In a supportive, safe, trusted space we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open to deepening explorations. In community we realize our experiences are shared instead of unique, and support each other in our journeys. As our unique Self we bring an individual perspective and contribution to making a difference in the world.
e. Passion is overrated and over sold. There isn’t one, and only one thing we’re here to do. But there is a unique person, with our individual contribution to the world, we are here to be. Much like lust, when the passion is gone … what are you left with? Love and a deeper sense of self or the search for the next rush?
f. Starting a business is only one option, not the end all, be all solution for resolving the inner nudges for change or and great self-fulfillment. The journey of discovering to be your true self throws open the doors to a wide range of possibilities. Your greatest expression may not have anything to do with generating income.
g. The inner calling “there’s something more to life” is the beginning of a spiritual awakening. Coming out of the spirituality closet is a leap of faith. Change, growth and expansions feels lonely, isolated and leaving everything behind until we risk seeing what’s on the other side.
h. Change and growth is a matter of when, not if. We are on a path of becoming ever more fully our true selves. There is no ultimate stage we’re here to attain and we’re done. There is always a next step we’ll find ourselves nudged towards. Whether we Listen and allow is another matter.
i. Simplicity empowers. There’s nothing to hide behind, divert attention or indulge the ego. Sometimes a spade has to be called a spade to reach honesty and clarity.
j. There is something we don’t know, the knowing of which will change everything.
- This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Lorraine Watson.
May 29, 2016 at 5:19 am #23761Hi Lorraine,
Great job with these! I’m definitely feeling a connection here.
Particularly resonating with A, B, C, E, F and G. They feel really powerful. I’m not sure I’m understanding I and J fully, which might be why I’m feeling a little bit of a disconnect with those. And that could totally just be me! Who are you targeting your course at?
May 29, 2016 at 7:34 am #23764Thanks for the feedback @lisa.russell – I was having problems describing the idea behind I and J which you picked up on. Need to work on those more.
My course is targeted to the mid-life woman experiencing career dissatisfaction, questioning self & true desires and would like to feel a reignited sense of clarity, purpose and direction
May 30, 2016 at 2:10 pm #23823This is great @lorrainewatson. I can see a lot of clarity coming through.
Just for fun, I am wondering if you could create a question for each of the statements you’ve created?
For example:
a. Do you find yourself looking for answers. Asking questions, reading books, listening to podcasts, perhaps even hiring a coach or therapist?
a. The guidance we seek is found all around us in the messages, signs, signals and patterns in our daily lives. Listening and broadening our awareness to what is appearing is a skill we continually develop and have with us wherever we are.
Or something like that?
Questions can be profound tools for leading people to the answers, which I assume you are seeking to do with these beautifully written statements?
(that’s a just for fun exercise because I love good questions)
May 31, 2016 at 4:43 am #23895@bradleytmorris – a good question is often more enlightening than a solid answer, isn’t it.
Interesting exercise. I might be inclined to phrase the questions as more of an interview feel so people could get to know me better and my perspectives, and see if there’s some resonance for working together.
May 31, 2016 at 9:39 pm #24067Lorraine, you missed a chance to make your last opening statement about questions into a question, didn’t you?
While I am certainly not part of your target market, I can see how it would resonate more eith them. And there is enough clarity of thought that I’m sure my response will be exactly what you want from those without the right fit.
Happy to be here supporting even if it isn’t targeted at me. Keep up the strong work of wrestling with your values and manifesto!
June 3, 2016 at 9:06 pm #24374Here’s another go at the core principles after class this week. We were asked to hone in further. We were to shoot for answering someone’s “oh, I wish I had known that before I worked with you because I probably wouldn’t have” or “if I’d known you thought that, I would have loved to work with you.” Some still aren’t sitting right.
1. Looking for a new career or starting a business is a shiny distraction when you feel the inner nudge there’s something more out of life. Discovering “who am I” is where you need to begin.
2. Being isn’t about quiet and stillness. Being is allowing who you are to define what you do rather than allowing what you do to define who you are.
3. A universal Life Force or Consciousness permeates everything. Our ego is a filter for experiencing a unique expression of Life. Ego doesn’t need to be fired, but it does need a new job description.
4. Spirituality is not the same as religion. Energy, clair-senses and other things we can’t see or touch are real. Science just can’t prove them – yet. Woo-woo comes from the wrappings people give them.
5. Self-discovery is a non-linear messy, inspiring, chaotic, flowing, clear, overwhelming journey of doubling back over familiar territory to move forward.
6. Passion is overrated and over sold. Lack of passion is perfectly normal. There isn’t one, and only one thing we’re here to do. But there is a unique expression of Life we are here to be. Full out.
7. Growth doesn’t stop when we turn 18. Or 21. Physical growth through childhood turns to inner growth as adults.
8. The guidance we seek is all around us. Messages, signs, signals and patterns are found in our daily lives. Listening to what is appearing is a skill we can develop and access wherever we are.
9. Not knowing has its perks. It ignites curiosity. Holds potential and possibilities. Is where Beyond Imagination exists. Being comfortable with not knowing is not only possible, it’s freeing.
10. Community is critical for growth, change and self-discovery. We discover we’re not alone or so different, our stories become unstuck, we see for each other what we can’t see for ourselves and collaborate to create something greater than we can on our own.
June 5, 2016 at 10:31 pm #24450Great job refining these down even more @lorrainewatson.
Now for your third time’s a charm, final challenge:
Refine each of these down to as few words as possible (a short sentence or power statement).
See how clear and concise you can make it.
I want it simple, straightforward and potent 😉
June 6, 2016 at 1:58 pm #24508@bradleytmorris – guess we’ll see what percolating creates. 🙂
June 7, 2016 at 8:25 am #24627@bradleytmorris – are you looking for something like
“Something more to Life” begins with you, not a new business or career
instead of
“Looking for a new career or starting a business is a shiny distraction when you feel the inner nudge there’s something more out of life. Discovering “who am I” is where you need to begin.”
June 7, 2016 at 8:58 am #24639exactly!! Can you feel the difference?
shorter, simpler, clearer, more potent!
keep refining 🙂
August 17, 2016 at 12:37 pm #29219Finally had a chance to get back to this. Here’s the shortened version of the core principles. Curious to know if they have meaning as stand alone, without explanation (whether you agree with it or not) or need a description for people to understand.
1. “There’s something more to Life” begins with you, not a new business or career change.
2. Self-discovery is a messy, full contact sport – with yourself.
3. Passion is overrated. Being the real true you full out, is not.
4. Being can make you busier than ever.
5. Ego doesn’t need to disappear, but it does need a new job description.
6. Grown up at 18 evolves into a lifetime of growing in.
alternate: Growth never stops, it changes.
alternate: Growing up evolves into growing in.
7. Spirituality is not religion or new-agey woo-woo.
8. Listening to the guidance all around us is a skill, not a gift.
9. Embrace the Unknown and not knowing. They lead to Freedom.
10. Community is critical for growth, change and self-discovery.
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