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Rodolfo Menjivar 9 years, 1 month ago

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New Home › Forums › Course Ideas & Outlines › My Top 2 Ideas
So i narrowed down my ideas to the top 2.
1. An E-course that shows people how media, government and others have pulled a veil over our eyes to trick us into living in the current status quo. I think everyone would agree that the current state of the world is not sustainable by any means. This was the idea I knew most about and also one of the main reasons why I signed up for this adventure in the first place.
2. My 2nd top idea was a little of a surprise to me. It is based on living a healthy lifestyle. I had never thought about teaching anything like this before until I was doing the Idea Generator 3000. It was the topic I know the least about, but also one that I feel has the biggest demand and profitability!!
So this was quite the interesting activity for me. I am excited to keep going and see how this will progress.
Hey Rodo, is there anyway you can combine the two ideas?
Idea 1 sounds more like “the problem or issue” they’re facing. You can teach this through awareness.
Idea 2 sounds like the solution, helping them focus their energy on building the lifestyle they want. Teach this through facilitation.
I’m sure the next exercises will help even more with the flushing out process!
That is an idea that has been circling my mind for awhile now. If i should have the problem/solution in one E-course or to make it into 2 courses. Thanks for the advice @bradleytmorris I hadn’t even thought that this healthy lifestyle is the solution to the problem. Have definitely given me some food for thought!! 🙂
Hi Rodolfo,
I totally resonate with your top 2 offerings.
I’d like to echo what Bradley said, and here’s a thought I’d like to share.
When figuring out if clients will pay for our courses, I like to ask myself–“does this problem keep them up at night?”
I doubt folks wake up in the middle of the night and think about “how media, government and others have pulled a veil over our eyes to trick us into living in the current status quo.” AND they might not even want to think about that!
But they might wake up and think “OMG what are we doing to our planet? OMG how can I be a solution?”
If you speak directly to those pains, then both aspects of your content add value for them.
Having worked in sustainability for a long time, I’d suggest focusing on the solutions–and using the problems just to underscore the need for solutions. Data shows that the negative stuff not only turns people off but sometimes makes them less likely to act. Just my humble opinions.
I’ll be interested to see who you are serving.
I re-echo what @karryn said. Brilliant ideas and feedback for brother Rodo. Focus on solutions and improving people’s lives.
Thanks for the feedback i appreciate @karryn This has all crossed my head as I also thought focusing on the problems would turn people away. I like how you mentioned does it keep people up at night? Very good way to look at it.
Thank you
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