New Home Forums Introductions My Soul is in the sky–shakespeare

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Derek Loudermilk 9 years ago
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    Hey I am a psychotherapist in NYC. I watched the internet slowly come alive and I understand it is time to embrace technology. But I want to do it right which is why I am here. I know a lot about SEO and I want to know more.

    Very few people in my field have made a product online. This is scary stuff and I am here to figure out how to do it and when it comes to depression, anxiety and couples counseling what people would be interested in seeing. Creating an ecourse is cutting edge in my field. If anyone has an idea about what ecourse you would want from a psychotherapist I am listening!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Heidi and welcome!

    We are going to do our best to un-scarify this whole process for you so you can have a blast building a ground-breaking product 🙂

    As you move through the course, everything will become clear!

    Enjoy the process..



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @heidi_seifert, super excited to have you here. Your work is so valuable and important.

    My first immediate thought, would be an integration tool for targeted to people who are currently seeing a psychotherapist. Something that helps them take the healing that comes up in their sessions and integrate it wholly into their life to support them with lasting, positive change.

    Excited to walk the path with you to the top of this mountain!!


    Derek Loudermilk

    Hi Heidi,

    Great to meet you!  I love the idea of some sort of self guided couples counseling.  This would be especially useful for digital nomads (like me) who don’t have physical access to someone to help them out.

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