This came to mind after listening to the latest webinar and brainstorming (great webinar btw!)
I’ve found this technique really useful. Here’s how you do it:
Think of a question you’d like help with (100 things I’d like to share, 100 ways I could promote x, 100 things I’d love to learn, 100 ideas for my ecourse…etc…)
Start writing the answers. The first 30 or so usually come quite easily. Then it gets hard. Then it gets harder. This is the point that forces you to dig deep, think out of the box, leap sideways. As you get to the finish there’s often another burst of creativity because you’ve overcome the easy bit.
Get some colour pens out. Put a dot or a meaningful letter next to every answer that belongs as part of a group. You’ll find that clear themes emerge.
I use this technique often and really enjoy the process. It forces me to go beyond the obvious stuff and work a bit harder.
This is brilliant Penny. Talk about a great strategy for digging deep and exploring all sorts of creative possibilities. Clearly it’s working for you. You are on fire right now!!!