1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years ago
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    I’ve discovered there are many things I a doing now.

    More quality me time, guilt free, I find I get caught up in focusing on other and neglect my self. When I want to have alone time, if someone need support or wants to plan something I easily compromise. So I’ve scheduled in Monday morning me time! Like its a date for me with me to do as my heart desires. Nap or dance or walk or yoga anything that feels nourishing to me.

    Read more books, I have os many books I want to read am dot seems to take me forever to get through one, scheduled time daily before bed to read.

    And the third is to volunteer, I havnt been a part of an organization for a few years, and really miss the energy and people who are aligned with the same values.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Aww, @mandimack, I love your list. So happy to see you living for you. I imagine the ripples will be incredible!! Bet ya can’t wait for Monday?!

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