New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation My big why – part of the women rising up movement

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Jennifer Summerfeldt 7 years, 6 months ago
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    Jennifer Summerfeldt

    My BIG why is deeply personal and can be challenging to hear for some…

    1) What is motivating you to climb this mountain and create your eCourse right now?

    18 years of experience and dedication to understanding childbirth and what facilitates a positive healthy birth experience, and over the years asking the question: why doesn’t birth always turn out the way mom’s had hoped it would, even if they have the ‘perfect’ environment set up.

    Passion…Because I want to contribute in the small way I can, to irradicate violence against women.

    Childbirth is an area where many women have experienced the assault of systemic violence, in the most insidious ways, and I am tired of women feeling oppressed and disempowered. I want moms to know that there body didn’t fail them.  I want women to feel inspired to rise up and claim their childbirth experience as, not just something they ‘went through and survived’ but, something that blew their mind and thus, became a catalyst for huge growth and transformation.

    2) What will you do or what will change when you replace your “Active Work Income” with Passive Income from eCourse sales?

    I will continue to offer more group programs like Healing After Birth and I will WRITE my book!
    I will spend more time enjoying my family and friends, and hopefully, do some leisure activities (supposedly I need more recreation in my life).


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Jennifer, being surrounded by a ton of mama’s after having our son, Sauryn last year, this work is so needed. Fortunately, Celeste (my wife) did a ton of research on personal prep before having our home birth). but so many of her friends had traumatic experiences.

    I am excited to see what you create here!

    For a little inspiration, I just wanted to share my good friend Kara Maria Ananda’s online program. She’s been doing similar work for years as well and has a global reach. I hope that seeing others being successful in this line of work validates that you can too!


    Jennifer Summerfeldt

    I feel so supported and encouraged thank you! I was afraid that my topic was not going to be fully understood. Also, it is encouraging to see other professionals succeeding online by having a global reach.

    One thing I am noticing is that mothers are still shy to ask for help – there is shame and stigma to overcome. This is something I am thinking about. I want to find the best way possible to remove the stigma and inspire reaching out.


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