New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation My Big Why – Impact and Income

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Chris Gilmour 7 years, 10 months ago
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    Daniel Doherty

    I wish to create an elegant and effective online curriculum that enables people to develop skills and habits that result in achievement of their highest goals; the practical application of wisdom. Affordable for individuals, wide-spread adpotion will produce a community of practice, and generous residual income for my family.


    Lorraine Watson

    Daniel @d1doherty And that is important because …


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Love how clear your vision is Daniel. Clearly you applied your exercise. Pumped to help you make this vision real.


    Chris Gilmour

    Awesome Work Daniel, I love this: “the practical application of wisdom” I feel like those (“application” & “wisdom”)  don’t always go together. To create a “practical” bridge between them could be a great service to many people in the world. I’m looking forward to witnessing your project grow!

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