New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines My (2nd) First Draft – Feedback Appreciated

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    Chris Gilmour

    Here is my second version of my “First Draft”

    Course Focus – Preparing for some of the short-term extreme weather predictions of climate change and dealing with unexpected emergencies.

    Objective – Taking a heavy and overwhelming topic and making it fun, easy to achieve results and approached from a positive and optimistic perspective. Turning fear of the future into action.

    Who it is for- People who are concerned about climate change, care about the environment, pay attention to world events, are conscious consumers, may have a young family and want a better and safer future for them.

    Theme – Using the concept of a martial arts dojo and earning belts as you become more resilient & adaptable. I would love your thoughts on whether this may push some people away before they even read the outline?

    Time to Complete – 30 days if you actually worked on it for 30 min to 1 hr a day. More realistically – 3 months

    I am considering turining it into 2 mini courses as well


    Each individual lesson has 2 parts – Video Lesson (VL) & Call to Action (A)

    Module 1 – Welcome to Changing World Dojo

    On The Mats:
    1) VL -Meet your Sensei & Learn the Dojo Ways – Course Overview
    A – A Short Assessment, Knowing where to start!

    2) VL – Realities of the Changing World – How Climate Change Impacts Your Life in the Next 5 Years
    A – Let’s Get Started – Learning what tools, options & services already exist

    3) VL – Creating A Custom Strategy that Works for Your Lifestyle & Budget
    A – Getting set up for success

    4) VL – Developing Situational Awareness – Be Like A Spy, Think Jason Bourne meets Katniss Everdeen
    A – Practicing everyday awareness

    In the Streets ( no actions required, just a fun short video ) :

    VL – 10 Tricks to starting a fire: anywhere, anytime under any conditions

    Module 2 – The White Belt Journey – Laying the Foundation for Your Changing World Success

    On the Matts:

    5) VL – Simplifying & Focusing your Efforts like an Emergency Preparedness Pro
    A – Complete your Hazard, Vulnerability, (Capability) & Risk Assessment (HIRA)

    6) VL – Tools of the Trade – What you can learn from Gov’t & Professional Agencies and Apply to Your Life Now
    A – Turn your HIRA into and Action Plan

    7) VL – Advanced Emergency Kits – Part 1 – What items should be in one and clever things to do with them
    A – Start Building (upgrading) your kits

    In The Streets ( no actions required, just a fun short video ):

    VL – Escaping when trapped inside your car

    Module 3 – The Yellow Belt Journey – Core Survival Concepts for Any Landscape

    On The Mats:

    8) VL – Staying in Touch – Communicating with your family & receiving important information
    A – Creating or improving your family emergency communications plan

    9) VL – Protection from the Elements: Home & Shelter Principals, Improvements & Improvisations
    VL – Surviving a cold night with no electricity, furnace or fire
    A – Home Inventory Checklist

    10) VL – Water is Life 1 – Concepts & Storage
    VL – Water is Life 2 – Improvised Filtration for many Scenarios (From Bacteria to Chemicals to Radiation)
    A – Make improvised water filter

    11) VL – What’s For Dinner – The Most Practical Food for Surviving Emergencies
    A – Create a food cacheIn The Streets: VL – Having Fun with Improvised Emergency Cooking

    In The Streets: VL – Having Fun with Improvised Emergency Cooking

    Module 4 – The Orange Belt Journey – Expanding Awareness & Staying Ahead of Game

    12) VL – Community Mapping – Resources, Hidden Dangers & Travel Corridors
    A – Community Mapping Exercise

    13) VL – Emergency Kits 2 – Advanced Home Preparedness Planning
    A – Home Emergency Kit Upgrades

    14) VL – Situational Awareness 2- Prevention & Mitigation Through Observation & Tactics
    A – Listen to Interactive OODA Loop Meditation – Learn to make quick life-saving decisions

    15) VL – Preparing for Hazards Specific to YOUR local Area
    A – Hazard Research

    In The Streets – Surviving A House Fire

    Module 5 – The Red Belt Journey – Community Protector: Embodying Competency & Giving Back

    16) VL – It Takes a Community to Survive Climate Change – Working with Your Neighbours
    A – Create a community Action Plan

    17) VL – Nature Connection & Knowledge as a Long Term Survival Strategy
    A – Implementing Core Routines of Nature Connection & Learning

    18) VL – Introduction to Long Term Resiliency & Sustainability – A Permaculture Approac

    A – Reflections and Next Steps

    19)  A –  Redo Original Assessment to track your growth

    20) VL – Graduation & Belt Ceremony

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  Chris Gilmour.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  Chris Gilmour.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  Chris Gilmour.

    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    WOW! I’ll have to come back and look more when I have more time, but I just have to say…. Man, you know a lot! This is AWESOME! And this is Level One?!?! Amazing the knowledge and experience you have!!!! And here I was just commenting on your freebie one (all excited about being Katniss and creating a flashlight!). No wonder you had so much in there. You have SO MUCH to share! Skills! Mad skills! Bravo!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Ok Chris, I took another look. Honestly for me at first I was overwhelmed because I personally don’t know a lot about martial arts or survival (my only martial arts experience ended up like the episode in Seinfeld, where Kramer got his butt kicked by a kid… yep, that was me– not the kid, but Kramer). Plus I’ve got a head cold- so there’s not much I can ‘get’ right away! I’m sure I would have read through twice right away otherwise. 🙂

    For your theme, I love how you have the modules as belts. That is very cool!

    Taking a second read, I am understanding it all more and can see it more clearly.

    I really like the intro: Meet your Sensei & Learn the Dojo Ways – Course Overview. It looks like you did a great job of organizing the content with the modules. I like your module names, with the belts and an overview of what is included in that module.

    I LOVE how you have ‘on the matts’ and ‘in the streets’ … very cool! Lots of great content and skills in here!

    My question is, how long is the course? And how long would you say each module/action would take someone?

    Love the ‘graduation and belt ceremony’ for the closing as well! Theme well done throughout!


    Chris Gilmour

    Interesting thoughts Bobbi, I really appreciate your time! I have a couple questions for you:

    1) The course is not necessarily for martial artists and or ppl interested in survival. It is meant for people who pay attention to nature and realizes there are some changes ahead. People into the environment and aware of climate change. Do you think the martial arts theme will turn a lot of people off right away? I thought martial arts was kind of a fun way to do it and something that a lot of ppl could relate to from a childhood experience or even tv. What are your thoughts on this?

    2) It seems like you like my themes (in the dojo, on the mats, graduation ceremony, some titles). What parts push you away, disinterest you or feel overwhelming?

    Thanks so much and I love all the super creative work you have been doing so far!



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Absolutely, Chris!! Happy to answer!

    1) I don’t think it would turn people off. I think for me it really was the combination of my head cold and all of the information to process with it, haha. The second time through I took more time and got it. Also, when you have it on your site there will be more visuals I’m sure to see it all as well. Again, when I went through it the second time and could see it all come together with the theme, I really liked it (even not being a martial artist). You do a good job with the theme- I’d be excited to see it with the visuals! I think the way you have it (on the matts- in the streets) the theme makes it more fun and it’s exciting with learning these techniques to work up in the belts!

    2) Again, for me I think it is the combination of the head cold and being a very ‘visual’ person. I personally process things best visually (hence all of my whiteboards and drawing things out to clear my own vision). So honestly, it was just digesting it all in print. When you updated the freebie, and even used some bolding, that really helped to see it there too.

    The second time re-reading it, I paused a lot and did my best to ‘visualize’ it, and then for me it made more sense. (And I found it very interesting and intriguing!!!) Again, on your website, people will be able to ‘see’ it there. 😀

    When I got it I thought it was (IS) really cool! For someone who doesn’t know a lot about survival, you make it seem very doable by breaking it up into digestible pieces. You take the overwhelm out and bring the fun and creativity in.



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Also…. Your personality and your visuals are AWESOME! I just watched another one of your YouTube videos. You are going to bring this thing (already are brining it) to amazing life!!! You are an inspiration! You’ve inspired me to want to learn more!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Hey Chris, did you make a few updates to the post? This is really clear!! Love it!

    Course Focus – Preparing for some of the short-term extreme weather predictions of climate change and dealing with unexpected emergencies. (Very clear!)

    Objective – Taking a heavy and overwhelming topic and making it fun, easy to achieve results and approached from a positive and optimistic perspective. Turning fear of the future into action. (LOVE THIS!)

    Who it is for– People who are concerned about climate change, care about the environment, pay attention to world events, are conscious consumers, may have a young family and want a better and safer future for them. (Very clear to me here!! This is great!!!)

    Theme – Using the concept of a martial arts dojo and earning belts as you become more resilient & adaptable. I would love your thoughts on whether this may push some people away before they even read the outline? (For me personally- I only had to look up the word Dojo & Sensei, perhaps on the site visuals, or stating what they mean- but I may be the only one who doesn’t know those terms. Once I got it, I really saw it and loved it!!! I think it’s a GREAT theme for this!! It fits very well!!)

    Time to Complete – 30 days if you actually worked on it for 30 min to 1 hr a day. More realistically – 3 months

    I am considering turining it into 2 mini courses as well (Curious how/where you’d break it up into two and how long each would take?)

    This is really great! I just looked up the belts. Are there 10 belts total? Will you be doing more advanced classes in the future to keep working up? I think it’s cool to have this theme, as you’re gaining skills and like you said “become more resilient & adaptable”… it’s a perfect fit! I think with the belts too, it makes you want to keep advancing in the course!! Very cool, Chris!!




    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Course Focus – Preparing for some of the short-term extreme weather predictions of climate change and dealing with unexpected emergencies.

    So this is specifically about climate change? I am curious if this can be expanded upon, for instance, could this be better summed up as something like “Mastering self-resiliency in rapidly changing/unpredictable times.” I am jsut curious if the focus is intentionally narrowed in on climate-change/weather related emergencies, or if its more broad to any sort of modern day emergency situation, be it weather/climate change, socio-economical breakdown, natural resource contamination (massive oil leaks/etc), power grid failure, etc etc etc

    Objective – Taking a heavy and overwhelming topic and making it fun, easy to achieve results and approached from a positive and optimistic perspective. Turning fear of the future into action.

    Love it.

    Who it is for- People who are concerned about climate change, care about the environment, pay attention to world events, are conscious consumers, may have a young family and want a better and safer future for them.

    Great big picture summary. Would love to know more about the details. What drives them. Where are their fears? What are they hoping to achieve? Etc

    Theme – Using the concept of a martial arts dojo and earning belts as you become more resilient & adaptable. I would love your thoughts on whether this may push some people away before they even read the outline?

    I’m personally not sold that this is the ideal theme for this subject. Though I do see a fit with the overall theme of gaining ranks (IE- belts), but martial arts may not be the best approach. Cant tell you why, its just a gut feeling. Perhaps its because ive seen the dojo thing be a wee bit played out. I think you can find something that is more unique and relvant to your topic.

    What are some other theme ideas you’ve come up with?

    Time to Complete – 30 days if you actually worked on it for 30 min to 1 hr a day. More realistically – 3 months

    The 30 day result is very attractive. You can use that in your marketing. Its up to them if they want to stretch it out to 3 months but not doing it every day 😉

    I am considering turning it into 2 mini courses as well


    Each individual lesson has 2 parts – Video Lesson (VL) & Call to Action (A)


    Course flow looks great. Keep up the good work 🙂


    Chris Gilmour

    Thank you Andy, I always appreciate you clear and concise feedback.

    It is definitely about more than Climate Change, I was over emphasizing it because it is a topic that is on a lot of people’s radars, much more so than general emergency preparedness or self-reliance.

    I think I should use Climate Change in my marketing and targeting but do need people to know it is broader then that as well.

    I like this:  “Mastering self-resiliency in rapidly changing/unpredictable times.”

    Any thoughts on doing the whole thing as one course vs two smaller courses?




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    1. Much better and clearer. Can you be speciic on WHICH weather patterns this relates to? (Earth Quakes, Floods, etc…) Just curious. More specific, better.

    2. Turning fear of the future into action. = Turning fear of the future into inspired action.

    3. I know you’ve not wanted to go the Apocalypse route, but I just wanted to say, “What about, a “Surviving the Apocalypse” theme? Taking that crazy idea that everyone thinks of into the back of the mind and turning it into a gamified, super fun adventure on Emergency Preparation? To me, it makes more sense than the dojo. And instead of belts, you earn skill-sets (as badges). Or something like that. I just had to ask, because to me, I’d think there would be a far more enormous market. Obviously, no pressure, gotta do what you want. But just wanting to ask.

    I personally think you could take htat heavy, dark concept and turn it into something extremely fun. I mean, I could imagine you doing it on green screen and being like, “Shit, the zombies are coming and we’ve gotta make our “Grab Bag”, what do we get.” Or “Shit, we flipped our car and have to escape cuz the zombies are coming, how do we get out?”

    You could have so much fun with it if you really think about it. Then just add Zombie sound effects and the occassional zombie walking  LOL  I’d for sure sign up and zombie movies are HUGE these days. Imagine a gamified course on survival tactics that is zombified…..

    I know you may be resistant, but shit, think of the creative potential and ask some of your students if this’d be up their ally…

    Cuz it’d be up mine  😉


    K, thought about it some more. I’m not feeling the dojo. It isn’t grabbing me. It doesn’t feel like a match (to me).

    The theme needs to be about climate change. changing world. survival. preparation. The dojo just doesnt’ quite fit.

    What else could you do?

    I totally digg the lesson though! This is awesome.


    Questions for you…

    1. What is the core transformation of hte course? What will I walk away with (3-5 points).

    2. If I don’t do this course, how will my life be worst off?

    3. Write out 3-10 other theme ideas with a couple sentence description of each.

    4. What is the name and tagline of the course? (or some ideas for it)

    Great job Chris. I can tell you’re working hard on all this stuff! Great job sir.

    Any questions for Andy and I?


    Daniel Doherty

    Hi Chris, I concur with the other posts. I love the structure you’ve laid out and I’m thinking about your comment that it’s for people who are in touch with or enjoy nature. The dojo metaphor is solid and you’ve developed it well,  however that metaphor doesn’t strike me as fully congruent with the nature appreciation idea. The dojo metaphor does strike me as congruent with the preparedness and fitness aspect.

    Climate change is a fractious argument so some people will be attracted to it and others turned off. Something perhaps more generally relevant  would be emergency preparedness for whatever your local hazard is, but then how do you awaken people to action. That’s where an attractive metaphor comes in to draw people in, make it accessible, and enable people to have the peace of mind that they have at least done something.


    Chris Gilmour

    Thank You Daniel, I appreciate the feedback.

    After a great coaching webinar with Brad & Andy, I am going in a new direction with the theme. That is an interesting point you made around Climate Change. I work as a professional emergency manager and in general, the public does not care about it until a major event occurs that affects them. Even then, we as a society have a very short memory for that kind of stuff. I was thinking about the climate change approach because it is such a hot and passionate topic that maybe it would capture more attention.

    My understanding is that a lot of what makes climate change “fractious” is the argument as to whether it is human caused or not and whether we need to shift major world industries because of it. I’m not interested in the man-made vs natural debate, I’m interested in the fact that governments around the world are preparing for the changes (some more than others), I have watched the changes over my lifetime and I am in one of the more stable regions of the world, and most individuals and communities are not being proactive about these changes. It may still be a bit of niche audience but I think it is a rather large niche audience.

    I would actually prefer to be a bit broader than climate change but have seen lots of attempts to engage the general public on emergency preparedness with very marginal success.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and if you have any other thoughts please share!





    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Curious where you’re at since that breakthrough session last week Chris. Send us a progress log when you get a few moments. Excited to hear.

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