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April 20, 2016 at 9:30 am #21639
Hi all,
Working on the value stuff is huge.
I have gone about it several ways, one is basically putting dollar and hour values on the trainings and learning I’ve invested in to be able to offer the awesomeness in my ecourse. Those numbers get big quick!
I cognitively know the value of what I offer.YET. I know that the we are in a time in which we need to rapidly transform society, and my ecourse provides skills to my ideal clients to do this. I want to make this widely accessible to a LOT of folks… and they are often folks who aren’t flush with cash. There’s value to this that’s beyond monetary value.
Yet at the same time, I’m not so sure that a really big class will serve them.So there’s the rub–how to keep prices low to make the course accessible and provide that more transcendent type of value, but also make my ecourse sustainable financially.
Looking forward to chewing on this with you all!
KarrynApril 20, 2016 at 10:11 am #21644This is EXACTLY a topic we had planned for today’s coaching campfires @karryn.
So you have many options here (which is exciting).
If you looked at your program/programs like different levels of adventure…
1: Casual Stroll: This would probably fit under the free department. It’d be an offering that someone could digest and receive results within an hour or two.2: Day Hike (or weekend): This would be an offering that someone could tear through in a day or weekend. They may not achieve mastery at the skill being taught, but they could at least learn it.
3: Quest: This would be a course that ranges between a week to six weeks in length. The level of commitment is higher, as will the level of investment. A quest would offer a really tangible, specific result and the entire process would be guided to achieve that.
4: Great eCourse Adventure: This is many quests within one quest. This would have many levels of support (like this adventure) and it would have many mini breakthroughs that build on top of each other to facilitate the ultimate transformation. When you get into this kind of transformation the investment of time, energy and money is higher and so it should be met with equal levels of awesome support.
Your choices? You could potentially break your course into a series of “Weekend Hikes.” Each being a smaller investment, smaller commitment but an extremely specific result. People oculd sign up for one or all of the courses and do them in whatever order they wanted.
Based on what you read above, what questions do you have or what ideas resonate?
Happy to go deeper with you!
April 21, 2016 at 7:17 am #21669THIS combined with a mastermind walk with my friend, neighbor, Lorraine who runs an online biz (and is thinking about ecourses–you’ve talked with her)
Has got me clear.
The basics of What’s a Thrivelihood, Why Thrivelihoods? etc is a free ecourse. Tons of awesome content that shares my thinking and establishes my credibility and thought leadership.
The Thrivelihood Pathfinder is the first level e-course. Gonna keep the price on that lowish (thinking similar to yours-$500 for 6, 9 or 12 months). Offer it several times a year. Folks get lifetime access to the FB group. Only the workbook is downloadable.
What did you decide re what to offer that’s downloadable?
KarrynApril 21, 2016 at 1:05 pm #21673That sounds really good @karryn!! Love it. Once we publish the article we’re working around the four different types of experiences, I’ll be sure to send it in the newsletter. Hoping to work on it a little more today/tomorrow.
Can you elaborate about your ‘downloadable’ question?
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