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    Deanna Gibbons

    I decided to start a progress log because I always stay on track much better when I feel I am being held accountable.  I’m hoping to hook up with my Buddy here in the next week too. I will update this log as I complete my tasks.

    Today I am working to finish Basecamp.  I just finished up Schedule Your Success and scheduled about 3 months in advance into my calendar.  I’m planning on 8-10 hours per week of work.  During the summer months I should be able to keep that pace.  HOWEVER, once the kids are in school and scouting activities pick back up, I will either have to channel Wonder Woman to get things done or I might have to cut my time dedicated to the course by a few hours per week.  But I will wait to judge how it goes when the time comes.

    I have an added component to my course since it is geared towards teens. I am working to make sure I incorporate the national education standards into my course as well.  I’m concurrently taking a free class on that has been really helpful so far in transitioning curriculum from traditional schooling to online schooling.  Now, I have never had any formal teacher training, but I have been working with kids for years through scouting and other volunteer work. So between this course and the Canvas course, I’m really learning at a rapid pace all while raising my family and working full time.  Phew!  I think I’m already channeling Wonder Woman!



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Good job, Deanna!

    And, I’ll share the advice I most need to hear: Keep It Simple to Start! 🙂


    Deanna Gibbons

    Thanks Wayne. That is advice I always need to hear. I tend to always take on too much.  But I’m really focused on this course.  I will just take it one step at a time.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    I understand — on both counts: often taking on too much and being amazingly focused on GEA.

    I am finding more and more layers of refinement I could add to my course and have to keep reminding myself that “done is #1” and I can refine and update from there. (And, as I typed that, I realized an important component of any animation work I hire out is to make sure I get the source files so I *can* do those refinements without having to have the whole thing redone!)


    Deanna Gibbons

    I like that.

    “Done is #1.”  

    I may post that up in my office as a reminder.


    Deanna Gibbons

    This week I had a bit of a setback thanks to a neck injury.  But after some rest, a chiropractor and some muscle relaxers, it’s starting to improve.  Oh! Before I hurt myself, I was able to set my office up again since my 20 year old daughter moved out. I decided to go minimal this time to eliminate distractions.  I haven’t spent much time in there yet but now that I am recovering, it’s back to focusing on the course IN my office.

    I was lucky enough to make it to my second buddy call with Elijah because I could talk to him while resting.  This week while “resting” I also made it to Architekt Forest.  Looks like we are really getting ready to dig in.

    On my list of things to do this next week is to finish up my draft for the workshop I am presenting on the 23rd this month. That means lots of writing, which I always procrastinate on, which is why I asked Elijah to keep in touch with me to keep me accountable. I also want to get through a couple of the lessons in Architekt Forest.

    Plus, I promised to get in some time with my kids on Saturday since I’ve been out of commission.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Heal up Deanna!! Definitely rest is a priority. All you need is a journal and lots of meditation to have the insights you need.

    As for the Wizard of Architekt Forest, you are correct. You’re now digging into the deep stuff!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide



    Deanna Gibbons

    Time for another progress log. (sidenote: every time I say or type progress log, I want to finish with “stardate….” The Trekkie in me, I guess.)

    So, you may have noticed I’ve been MIA for the last week-ish. (or maybe you haven’t). Anyways, I’ve been hard at work with storyboarding.  Actually, I put it off for 3 days and seemed to find other stuff around the house to do and then put it off some more.  Then I told myself, just do 1 module. Well, 1 module turned into nearly all of the storyboarding being complete. I’m having some difficulty in one module translating it into visual.  It’s the business plan module. I’m going to sleep on it tonight and maybe will gain some clarity tomorrow.

    When I get a chance tomorrow I will scan and upload a couple of the pages so you can get an idea of what I have done.  Now, you may see this and think, “what the hell is this graphic designer doing? she can’t sketch worth a crap.”  It’s true. I can only seem to design on a computer.  Well I don’t care!  My little stick figure men are cute!

    Also tomorrow, I’m hitting Camp Medias to proceed to the next step! I have to say, the storyboarding has got me so excited. I’m not sure how I will create what I’ve come up with, but I am eager to figure it out!


    Deanna Gibbons

    This week I got my shot list complete. I also sat down and wrote out everything I needed as far as props and equipment.  Then I did some research on prices for what I need.  I also cleared one side of my basement (which is unfinished and huge!) to get my studio set up. But then I discovered our local library has a green screen studio with all the equipment I need that can be reserved free of charge. I took a tour and it is a big small to film a couple of things, but will work for most of my course. I reserved studio space in early September to start filming.  I also had to schedule a one-on-one with the tech librarian to learn how to use it all, which is later this month. I will continue to put together a studio in my basement for convenience sake.

    I also made a great contact this week.  My daughter and I were volunteering at the Dragonboat Festival this past weekend.  I got to the meet the Community Outreach Manager for Girl Scouts of Colorado.  She noticed my hat which has my Teen Launch Academy blog logo on it and asked me about it.  She loved it and when I told her about the course I was working on, she told me she has contacts at all the local school districts and would be glad to share them with me. She told me about the Denver Afterschool Alliance that works with afterschool programs and gave me contact info for them. She also said it might be a great program to introduce into Girl Scouts.

    In the meantime, I plan on using Saturday morning to do some filming in my basement just for practice. I think I will even finally get around to the Be Who You are Not Video Challenge.

    It’s my 21st anniversary this Thursday, so I may not be around much until the weekend but rest assured I will be working behind the scenes to finish Camp Media and onward to Technosis Temple!

    I swear I am walking on cloud nine right now guys!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Deanna, this is so AWESOME! I am really stoked for all your progress with your course.

    I am definitely giving you a shout-out on tomorrow’s coaching campfire. Love that your library has a free green screen room to rent. I wonder if many other adventurers have libraries like that. How cool that you get a free lesson to?

    I am giving you high fives for your video’ing commitment to get practiced and ready for shoot day.

    Way to rock it.


    Deanna Gibbons

    Thanks Bradley! We are lucky to have a very progressive library district where I live.  Not only do they have the green screen studio, but they have an audio recording room and tons of gadgets you can actually check out from the library. Stuff likes iPads, GoPro’s, Robots, electronic kits.  They are definitely a tech friendly library. I would definitely recommend for the other adventurers to see if their libraries offer anything similar.

    Unfortunately, I won’t be on the coaching call tomorrow.  I will definitely watch the recording though. We are taking the family to Water World north of Denver for one last hurrah before they start school next week.



    Lisa R

    Oh wow Deanna, you are doing so well! I’m in love with your library already, as if I needed another reason to think libraries are just the best places ever!

    I like Technosis Temple. It’s such a cool module. And there’s Master Zen Teach, in a cloud. It makes me drool with Green Screen and post production effects envy…



    Deanna Gibbons

    I’m not sure how it’s been a whole month since my last progress log. Now, I feel like I haven’t gotten enough done.

    Saturday, my husband and I cleaned and rearranged our basement. One half is a game room with the Foosball table, darts and the craft beer fridge. The other half is storage and my green screen setup and lighting. Here’s the video:

    After some practice runs, I realize my DIY lighting setup isn’t working very well. The light feels too harsh in my unfinished cement basement. So I ordered a lighting kit on Amazon for $50. It comes with 3 stands and lights and umbrellas so once I get it, I hope to have it all ready to go.

    This Thursday is my appointment with the library to check out their green screen studio and learn how to use it. I’m hoping that what I learn will translate to my home studio. Then on Saturday, it’s my library time in the green screen studio. I’m taking my daughter to help me.

    I’ve signed up with Convert Kit and I worked on my website.

    I made it to Funnelle Caves and getting ready to check out the USCE5000…



    Deanna Gibbons

    The last two weeks have been tough. I was on a deadline at work to create a 300 page catalog, caught a VERY nasty cold that left me in bed for 2 days straight with my throat feeling like it was scrubbed with steel wool, and my 17 year old daughter’s anxiety has been flaring up.

    I haven’t gotten any filming done nor have I contacted my teen advisory kids to ask about helping and starring in my videos. But since I was in bed for several days I did get my front page of my website up and going and have been working on the back end LifterLMS settings and features.

    I’d love to get some feedback on the home page. ( )I need a clear Call to Action on my page to a link to my signup page (and I need to get the signup page done). I need to write some blog posts and get my podcast interviewees lined up but I am getting closer!

    I completed my catalog at the office and am feeling better so I’m hoping to get some filming done this weekend. 🙂

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