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    Ok, I don’t know what the heck kind of mind-grok is going on here…but @bradleytmorris @andyfreist, I’m 6 minutes into ‘The Art of Transformation’ video, and I had to stop and say WHAT THE WHAT?! Just yesterday, I was skyping with a colleague…we met at a live workshop a year ago, based on creating workshops and online courses. I’ve struggled with the creation of mine ever since…unable to ID why I’m stuck, why I don’t want to/haven’t been able to move forward with my original idea. She ran her first one this year, and shared with me that after her course, she struggled with a HUGE identity crisis and feeling of defeat in spite of the amount of success she had with it in terms of numbers…and came out of her ‘sabbatical’ (ie, lying on the couch for 6 weeks) with THIS VERY IDEA that you’re expressing: it’s NOT about information, it’s about TRANSFORMATION.

    Mic Drop. BOOM.

    This is a HUGE exhale for me. There’s SOOOO much information out there for anyone to find…and in a field like Functional Medicine, there’s every expert in the world available to give you the latest and greatest research. But information doesn’t create transformation. It more often creates confusion. Lack of action. Fear of f*ing up.

    TRANSFORMATION is where I want to live and move and work…!

    Ok. Back to the video…LOL. Can’t WAIT to find out what you’ve got in the 2nd half…


    Sharyn Warren

    @triphanson, are you in the world of Facebook? Do you know what “following” means? That’s what I am up to–following where you are going, as in finding inspiration and appreciation. And I am sure, as things progress, information as well as that treasure we have all been seeking–TRANSFORMATION. Given and received. When you can come up for air, I would really like to learn more about Functional Medicine. All I know about is medical diagnosis that are about “functional dis-ease.”  Whatever you are sharing is–and I am certain, will be–received with much enthusiasm and gratitude. Following……



    @sharynwa I think it’s just amazing, all of us finding each other here on the mountain…and realizing that there’s so much that we all want to share, and all imagine sharing and teaching…and now thanks to Brad @bradleytmorris and Andy @andyfreist we have this exceptional journey to take together. Kindred souls.




    Catherine Fox

    Hi @tripphanson – I’m with you on this. Osteopathy is a form of functional medicine, the amount of information that goes into it is vast and I think the fear of fucking up your health is getting increasingly problematic….

    Interesting about the friend of yours getting a huge drop after her ecourse. I think something critical  that these guys share beyond the transformation not information piece, is that you really need to be there supporting people’s journey (which is why I think “passive income” is a bit misleading) AND the big question is How do you get them to end of the course?? So you can actually delight in the transformations happening and share in the joy in it, rather than see a lack of completion and people just wanting money back or burning out or paying for the thing and then not implementing any of it.



    @catherine_wildfox Boy have you hit the nail on the head. ENGAGING an audience…keeping them in the game…THAT is where transformation would really occur!

    There’s a kind of irresponsibility that I’ve seen online with the ‘quick fix’ e-courses…that I’m NOT interested in perpetuating. If I have a ‘dream’, it’s to engage people in a combination of understanding their bodies more, and helping them understand how to interpret things in a ‘people’s/indigenous/traditional medicine’ kind of way…? Or at least having that be a piece of it. But I do understand as well that most people are out looking online in order to ‘fix’ something. Get rid of their chronic pain, a magic bullet to fix their weight- and maybe they’ll decide it’s their thyroid, or their adrenal/hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction, or their ‘slow metabolism’…and thus they fall prey to ‘sound byte’ medicine. Which IMHO is really no different than the western model. Match a solution to a symptom, and get rid of the symptom.

    That was what my pal was expressing to me the other day. Just feeling like she was no different than all of the other drivel out there about ‘fixing’ stuff. And she’s quite an amazing educator and clinician, so it’s sad that that’s how it evolved for her…she’s determined to shift her trajectory, and our conversation getting backed up within 24 hours in the videos here…well, that’s just awesome. I’ll be encouraging her to investigate The Great eCourse Adventure with us!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    What a cool breakthrough Tripp and such a powerful reflection your friend offered! So stoked that you’re resonating so deeply with our approach to this.

    @catherine_wildfox, everything you share below is the type of questions @andyfreist and I have been asking in the creation of the Great eCourse Adventure.

    Interesting about the friend of yours getting a huge drop after her ecourse. I think something critical  that these guys share beyond the transformation not information piece, is that you really need to be there supporting people’s journey (which is why I think “passive income” is a bit misleading) AND the big question is How do you get them to end of the course?? So you can actually delight in the transformations happening and share in the joy in it, rather than see a lack of completion and people just wanting money back or burning out or paying for the thing and then not implementing any of it.

    You’re right. Passive income is possible, but if it’s deep and meaningful transformations we’re intending to facilitate, then there is going to be some required amount of time to help support that transformation. But as you say, that’s a part of the magic and fun.

    As you climb higher up the mountain, we offer more perspectives on HOW to do this. So happy to see you questioning these things already though! Keep journaling, keep questioning and all of you, keep sharing your discoveries at the Campfire.

    Big thanks to everyone!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Indeed, passive income is a lot like permaculture. It takes a lot of work to get it going, and once it’s going it still needs a human touch to keep things blooming.

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