New Home Forums Monthly Challenges September 2017 Adventures in Meditation + New Earth Comedy

16 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Sara McCann 6 years, 6 months ago
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  • #55238

    DavidJ Jurasek


    Sounds like you have quite a lot of momentum and are seen as a leader in this field!

    I commend you for the long term commitment and amount of work you’ve done to get this far.

    The possibilities sound awesome!

    I also wish you to stay grounded and true to yourself and wise in discerning who you partner with and all those contracts people ask you to sign. : )

    PS ~ Having worked with kids and teens for ages teaching meditation, martial arts and making therapuetic growth stuff fun and appealing for them, if you need any feedback or want support in that area, please ask!


    Sara McCann

    Woah! Look at what you have done! I am in awe, inspired and proud to know you (albeit in a virtual kind of way! lol)

    Way to go Bradley! This sounds so exciting and I am thrilled for you.

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)

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