New Home Forums Launch Summit Showcase Meditation, Hip Hop Music Video. What?!

5 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 4 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    In celebration of shaking my money maker in creative ways, I wanted to share the music video we (@blairfrancis and I) created for the launch of my 21 day meditation eCourse. It was a blast and the response we received was pretty epic too.

    If after watching this you wanna sign up for it, I’m happy to offer all you adventurers a free pass to join. Just go through the registration process and use the coupon code: I-AM-READY

    1) As a potential customer, what was your experience in watching this video? Did it open you up to wanting to explore further? Did it build trust?

    2) What cool sales videos have you seen or created? Share in the comments!!


    Jutta Dobler

    Hi Bradley
    I wanted to write to you about this video for a while now. Found it on your website and am completely addicted! I LOVE the music and the lyrics and the way you did it. To answer question 1, yes, it built trust. It also make me want to get to know you better, plus i thought if the meditation course is anything like this it must surely be awesome!
    Thank you so much for your generous offer! Will take you up on it and meditate away
    Have a gorgeous day


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey @jutta, your love for this definitely put a smile on my face. @blairfrancis and I had such a blast creating the video. It was my first time ever doing anything musical. It was hilarious trying to sift through all my variations of a hip hop voice. Blair was very patient.

    Glad you’re going to take me up on it and meditate! I will be recreating this and my 40 day meditation eCourse in the coming months to be more in alignment with the flavour of the Great eCourse Adventure. Will be weaving in story with the lessons. But that is still to come.




    Bradley! Okay so when i initially started watching it i had the usual suspicion of like 2 white guys being boysie buds repeating some naf commercial mantra, hey but actually it made my heart smile in a good way and I thought you both looked really cute. Yes it did make me energetically open to your message and it was a delight to watch and listen. It is hard to strike the balance between earnestness, fun, authenticity and harmoniousness when sharing spiritual messages without being too worthy or preachy but yous succeeded. Une Toque d’Or my friends XXXXX



    What music programme did you use btw out of interest – Logic, Abledon or another?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    hahaha Thanks @calliope6!! Love that you were skeptical and then pleased. That makes me smile.

    Lemme check with @blairfrancis on what program he used. I’m not 100% sure. He’s the musical genius behind this melody.

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