New Home Forums Monthly Challenges November 2017 Mars is in. Writing 500+ words a day for LTMM

104 replies, 10 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 7 years ago
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    That should work now, right @laurakoller


    Laura Koller

    @mars – WOOHOO!!!!


    Sara McCann

    This is brilliant Mars! A book goddamit! What a fantastic idea.

    I can’t for a moment think about how you fit all this in with everything else you’ve got going on so hats off to you bonny lass! Keep going, because this is already shaping up to be amazing!



    Thank you my darling @saramccann It’s the beauty of the work that I do. I’m not on call until January now, unless I take on a last minute client. I also have kids that are big enough to ignore me. So I use that time when I should be running around like a blue arsed fly, in the evenings.



    @laurakoller I would love to hear your twin story one day


    Jutta Dobler

    Hi @mars, I love the multiple mama expression! Did you get some writing done at the Theatre?



    Hey @jutta – I did indeed. It’s such a lovely space. I had a friend from out of town pop by to have lunch with me (she had a client meeting and used the theatre for it), so that was nice. I feel at peace there, so writing was easy. There are people to look at, without interrupting my flow.


    Jutta Dobler

    That’s lovely! Writing is such a solitary thing to do, great if your surrounded by others and by beauty. @mars


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    You are off to the races @mars. Way to embrace the November writing challenge @mars!!!!



    Much harder to write at home. Meeting the middle daughter’s boyfriend for the first time. So once he’s sorted, I can write my missing 600 words. lol


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Love that you wrote in a theatre. How FUN! Wishing you happy writing at home! May the words flow like water.



    This is a piece that is a basic mind dump that needs lots of refinement. I had far too many interruptions when writing this so never really got into the flow.

    I’ll be writing late in the evening, again, tomorrow through Monday. But I have ideas floating to the top of my mind. I have a few multiple mamas blogs to craft. I’ve been asked to write something re birth cultures for an online magazine, and a ‘what it is to be a doula to multiple mamas’ piece for a twins and triplets website.

    So 863 words later, that’s my writing challenge for today, complete.



    Thank you @bobbiejo


    Judy Brenneman

    Mars, this is all exciting–blog, book, everything 🙂 So glad you’re in the Nov. challenge (and on the mountain, too, of course)!



    Thank you @judyb

    A spot of advice for all in the challenge. Do not entertain yourself here when needing a moment to think through your last 250 words. I have been lost there for absolutely ages.


    <runs off laughing>

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