I totally resonate with the concept of transformation. My whole purpose behind the various e-courses I want to create is based on the single transformation that happens when a woman becomes a mother – the archetypical maiden to mother journey. It happens differently for every woman, but inevitably along the way, there will be at least one pain point that comes up, whether that be infertility, miscarriage, miserable pregnancy, painful birth experience, difficulty recovering after birth or just general confusion about what it means to be a mother.
Overcoming these points can be the opportunity to find deeper bliss, love, fullness and generativity. Or it can be ignored and repressed and lead to deeper repression of one’s needs, martyrdom, depression and general disfunction that is passed on to our children. I want to facilitate the first option, of course.
My plans for doing this include a combination of visceral experiences including body awareness meditation, movement practices like yoga and dance, connecting with nature, and gentle energetic practices with children or animals (either one’s own or someone else’s); and mentally engaging activities like journaling, visualization, and intention setting; conscious relating; as well as changing food and lifestyle habits that create healthy babies, healthy moms, save time and energy and are hopefully cost-effective. Phew – that’s all, lol.
My challenge will be focusing on getting this done in manageable bits and presenting it in ways that won’t totally overwhelm my clients. I’m hoping some of our checkpoints down the road will help me do that 🙂
I know there are gonna be a lot of grateful mommas coming your way to go through this process.
I’m thinking you can indeed keep it simple while adding the depth and transformation you’re looking for. It’s all about creating patterns, rhythms and predictability for your customer.
Find the best, most supportive flow for them.
If you can, create a simple document with all of your ideas and ask some mothers what elements would be most meaningful for them. Perhaps pose it to your Facebook community too. 🙂