New Home Forums Course Creation Resources List Building…..

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    Anyone have good resources on strategic ways to grow newsletter lists beyond you local community and geographical region?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Indeed I do. Get into the habit of writing articles every week for your blog. How-to’s and 5-10 step sorta stuff.

    Then submit them to bigger blog sites who publish authors. I did this for years and it’s how I grew the majority of my email list.

    Also, booking interviews for podcasts and radio shows is a great way!


    Chris Gilmour

    Great Thoughts! Will we cover more of this kind of stuff in the course? I’m sure there are many good ways t do this.


    Kate Arms

    I have had good results using the material from PJ Van Hulle.


    Jo Rhodes

    I did a little survey monkey thing to ask people what they did/didn’t know about wild food as I was thinking about doing simple ebooks.. and at the end if they were interested could leave their email.
    Several friends shared it on facebook and it got a few retweets on twitter – so I ended up with over 120 responses and 85 extra names on my list.. I was very happy with that. The responses also showed me that people were keen on podcasts and ecourses which is partly why I am here.


    Jessica Antonelli

    I like Nathalie Lussier bunches, and she has this handy free 30 day list-building challenge where she takes you through many of the suggestions people have posted above with little assignments each day to get you to grow your list.

    I’ve tried the challenge before and ended up not getting through all 30 steps, but even the 1st 10 steps taught me a lot! I think I’m going to sign up again now to have the daily email gently shove me in the right direction.

    Here’s the


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    This guy has some great insights and BS-free advice when it comes to list-building:

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