Letting go of the fear of wasting time and money trying to create e-course; not enough time; and not enough interested mothers who will buy my course – that I will hear crickets yet again when I launch.
Letting go of skepticism, or that I don’t know enough
Letting go of fear of doing the same pattern over again and not making any changes
Letting go of doubt.
Bringing in trust and creative juices and a new belief that there are plenty of mothers who will benefit and pay for the e-course that will help them have a better birthing experience. That I have enough time and energy to invest in this program, and that I will increase recreation/leisure into my life with ease.
YES! Thank you for putting that stake in the ground and reclaiming your confidence, clarity, Knowing and schedule. Live that dream now and build the best damn course you possibly can, while having a ridiculously good time doing it. We’ve got your back all the way to the top.
Thanks Bradley, I look forward to climbing this mountain. And the thought of a ridiculous good time creating something somewhat serious, excites me. Glad to know you got my back!