My name is:Carl Trent
I teach: Walt Disney World
Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: looking to create a fabulous, interactive course about the Most Magical Place on Earth
What kind of e-course I want to create: how to create a Perfect Walt Disney World Adventure
What makes me come most alive is: creating something new and exciting
Carl, it’s great to have you here in our version of Adventure Disney Land.
I’m so curious now, do you have a website or anymore info on what you’re up to.
We’re excited to stoke your creative fire and help you imagine and create the most brilliant, supportive eCourse experience for all your future adventurers!
We are in the concept phase right now. There’s nothing up on the site. We’re just getting started, but I really like the way this is laid out so far and can’t wait to dig in a lot deeper.