New Home Forums Sales & Marketing Landing page feedback….

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Jessica Antonelli 8 years, 4 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    Hey Crew,

    I just built my first landing page for a webinar I am running to promote my first eCourse. Would love any feedback –



    Elijah Powell

    Very nice Chris! I bought the Webinar Ninja deal too and it looks to be amazing!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Chris, you’ve done an awesome job with this page. It looks and reads well.

    I would just say, to make the font of your bios the same as the 6 points if possible   🙂

    So stoked to see your biz and brand blooming good sir!


    Akasha Madron

    That is a great landing page Chris!

    The point that makes me want to sign up, that makes tracking relevant to me  is the one about the art of storytelling and questioning.  I’m glad you put that up there.

    That said, one thing that I would correct ASAP is the spelling in that point.  It says questioing  instead of  questioning.

    Other than that it is very inspiring and intriguing.  I love the video as well and how you relate tracking to our daily lives.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.



    Jessica Antonelli

    Looks great Chris! Nice and clean with inciting content. Way to go 🙂

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