New Home Forums Media & Technology Know Your Wool moodboard

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 10 months ago
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    Deb Robson

    Let’s see if I can share an AMB-1 moodboard here by including its URL:

    If not, I’ll try other methods (not sure what they are yet).

    This moodboard actually represents the likely entirety of how I want to approach multiple courses: linking landscapes, animals, fibers, encouragement of individual creativity, and nuts-and-bolts information.

    I’m having a number of health challenges (bilateral carpal tunnel–one surgery down two weeks ago, one to go–plus newly diagnosed and nearly disabling arthritis/spinal stenosis), so (1) right now, shooting video isn’t an option and (2) I’m thinking that as soon as I’m able I’ll test with a very finite lesson that isn’t part of my course and won’t involve greenscreen (a strong ambition of mine). It will be a simple set on one method of washing wool, with small-quantity and larger-quantity components. It can be a standalone–and is actually something I’ve been asked for, so I could send it to some folks to try out.



    sharon Lock

    Beautiful Mood board. I really like it. Love the style of lettering you show too, I think it fits beautifully with your images.

    Sorry to hear you are struggling health-wise, I hope that it doesn’t hinder your progress too much.


    Deb Robson

    Cool, @sharon! You can even see it! Thanks for looking and commenting here. The combination of lettering and images really feels lovely to me. And I do have lettering skills. I’m aware as I move into this that it will also take creative time and energy to bring that piece forward, but that I will love doing it.

    The health stuff has been a real impediment, but–with a lot of help from a lot of directions–I’m getting a handle on it. And can’t wait to start steaming along again.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I second what @sharon says. Loving the vibe of your moodboard Deb @robson!
    Such a good energy. Really like the fonts you’ve chosen too.

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