New Home Forums Introductions Judy's Intro

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    Judy Brenneman

    Hi, All —

    I’m Judy Fort Brenneman. I develop and lead writing workshops and retreats, including single and multi-day workshops for interpretive writers. “Interpreter” in this context means the folks who create and present exhibits and programs at heritage and nature sites of all kinds–state and national parks, museums, nature centers, zoos, living history sites, etc.

    I’ve been trying to develop on-line versions of some of my shorter training sessions and workshops but haven’t finished any, in large part because I’m not happy with them. I’m also one of those folks who drop out of e-courses early–because I’m overwhelmed, frustrated with how the tech works (or doesn’t work), bored, impatient, or simply side-tracked by all the other responsibilities in my life.

    I wanted (and still want) to create online courses that generate some of the “emotional hit” that happens in my in-person trainings–that excitement, enthusiasm, and willingness to risk being creative–that always results in participants feeling more confident in their ability to create high-quality interp programs as well as having improved abilities to create those programs. I need enough (but not too much) structure to learn how to do that, as well as guidance on how to get all these “moving parts” to fit well enough to work the way they should (or at least the way I hope they will). A good friend who is familiar with what the e-course adventure guys are doing (and who is probably tired of hearing me whine about my lack of progress [groan]) suggested I check them out, so here I am.

    There are days when I think, “Ugh, I am so tired, I really don’t want to mess with this any more” –but then I get a program to my audience, and I have such a wonderful time–and so do my students. A great example from just this past week: I’ve been at the national conference for interpreters all week, and I presented a short, highly interactive session on creativity; had about 40 people in the audience. I feel like I’m 100% “on” when I share this material–and everyone in my session did wonderful and amazing stuff in the short time we had. And they kept seeking me out over the rest of the conference just to tell me how great it was and to share some cool thing they’d discovered. If this follows the pattern from previous years, I’ll continue to get emails from many of them once I return home, too. (And as I’m typing this, I realized I forgot to send around the sign-up-for-my-newsletter sheet…ah well…cannot do everything, no matter how hard I try…)

    Ultimately, I want to have a series of online writing workshops for this audience, and then I want to expand my offerings to encompass the writing coaching work I do outside of interpretation (my coaching practice includes all genres and includes many people who have neurological differences, from dyslexia to mood disorders and brain injuries).


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    I presented a short, highly interactive session on creativity; had about 40 people in the audience. I feel like I’m 100% “on” when I share this material–and everyone in my session did wonderful and amazing stuff in the short time we had. And they kept seeking me out over the rest of the conference just to tell me how great it was and to share some cool thing they’d discovered.

    This is AWESOME Judy! So great to meet you here! You will definitely create absolutely amazing eCourses! I can feel the heart in your teaching and bringing the creativity in and wanting to really see your students succeed! Excited to see all that you do!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    So happy to have you here Judy. We are gonna help you get to the top!

    What you say here:

    I presented a short, highly interactive session on creativity; had about 40 people in the audience. I feel like I’m 100% “on” when I share this material–and everyone in my session did wonderful and amazing stuff in the short time we had. And they kept seeking me out over the rest of the conference just to tell me how great it was and to share some cool thing they’d discovered.

    Sounds awesome to me!

    While the inspiration and experience is fresh, could you turn THIS EXPERIENCE into your first eCourse? Rather than re-inventing the wheel, take this and turn it into the online experience you really want.

    What are your thoughts?


    Judy Brenneman

    Thanks, Bradley. Not sure if converting this particular session is what I want to do, tho I will think about it, at least in terms of a practice project. I do include some of the same material in the writing workshops (how much depends on the workshop length and number of participants). At least one of the things we did involved whole group participation, which I’m not sure how to do in online version, especially if participants aren’t all there at the same time. Another involved small group work, but it works as an individual exercise, too. Will think about some alternative approaches…


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Sounds great Judy. Feel free to brainstorm. There are a lot of ways to get your students interacting.

    There are great face-to-face services like where you can have 8 people brainstorming at a time.

    You could do accountability buddies.

    You could have people share their work in your community forum to be critiqued by you or others in the community.

    We can definitely brainstorm ways to make it work once you get to that point   🙂


    Laura Koller

    Welcome Judy!

    I’m excited by your success with your students, and I’m so inspired to hear people suggesting you can use that as your first ecourse.  I’m thinking about what a journey this ecourse is going to be, but then I have to remind myself that I don’t have to do that myself.  It’s enough to just show up and put something together and go from there.  Consider it or another smaller workshop.  Bradley’s comment kind of put me out of my box of creating something huge – something small may be just as good and will start me down the right path (and see how much interest I can actually generate online).  Just not sure how to connect everything together – except that right now I don’t have anything so I’d better not get ahead of myself!!!

    Enough about me.  You sound very passionate and talented and interactive.  I’m glad to hear you have some similar challenges with time and money and whatever else.  You’ll be a great asset to our community and I look forward to getting to know you and your work even better.

    Enjoy pie baking.  My goal this year is to actually leave enough room for Thanksgiving dessert…



    Judy Brenneman

    Laura: Thanksgiving dessert? Isn’t that what Friday is for? {laughing}


    Wendy Cain

    Hi Judy, and welcome to the Mountain!  I look forward to keeping up as you transform your courses and seeing how we can support one another along the journey.

    What a terrific niche.  I hadn’t previously given much thought about all that goes into the exhibits, displays, and wayside exhibits at museums in the past.  However, my current “day job” includes the responsibility for the historic preservation and interpretation of the historical significance of  the Department of Energy site I work at in Tennessee, now a part of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park.  Over the last year, I’ve gotten more involved in museum designs and the intricacies of interpretative efforts with museum professionals and the National Park Service.  It’s really very interesting!

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