New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Journal Through The Rainbow Portal

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    Christy Greenwood

    My course:
    Rewilding From Within – Dance Yourself Free

    Theme options:
    -Moving Through the Rainbow Portal (though I don’t want someone to think it’s a hippy vibe)
    -Journey Through The Rainbow Gateways
    -Uncovering Hidden Treasures (discovering hidden gems)


    Lorraine Watson

    @christy – I get a real sense of energy through your course name with the concepts of rewilding, dancing and freedom.

    The theme options (taglines?), in contrast, have a feeling of much less energy. Could totally be me … I find rainbows are calming and peaceful. Rainbows feel disjointed from rewilding.

    What is the transformation(s) of rewilding, and what would I be letting go of?


    Christy Greenwood

    Hi @lorrainewatson

    Thanks for your message and questions. The rainbow that I am referring to is the
    journey through the chakras. Each chakra relates to a colour of the rainbow
    that will be a different portal into a rewilding experience.

    Those are just my themes, so I didn’t write the full experience here. I’ll tag you in that message. (example Great E-Course – Climbing a Mountain, or Rewilding From Within – journey through the rainbow portal)
    Does that make sense? 🙂

    I consider rewilding to be a journey of connecting to our true nature beyond our conditioning. I will invite people to tune into their unique definition of rewilding.

    I didn’t mention letting go in my message, but to answer that question you would be ideally letting go of (processing and digesting) old, stagnant emotions and tuning into different frequencies of life force energy that ignite the soul fire.

    Also letting go of some rigid, restrictive patterning in the body due to rigid, restrictive mental patterning from our conditioned experience.

    I am still flushing out what the main transformation would be.

    Thanks for the message!


    Christy Greenwood

    Hi @lorrainewatson

    For more info, here is my share from architekt forest campfire:

    1) WHAT:

    Rewilding From Within – Dance Yourself Free

    2) WHY:

    -sacred diving deep through dance is one of my passions
    -the transformation is tangible
    -this process is an alchemical revolution!
    -I have lots of experience guiding people on dance journeys
    -it’s a creative way to serve people that brings many of my gifts to the table
    to be shared
    -decolonizing our bodies of cultural conditioning through free movement, thought & sound is medicinal & revolutionary
    -because it’s just going to rock!

    3) WHO:

    A woman (open to men, but a woman is my niche person) who is:
    -curious about transformation
    -interested about chakras
    -loves music & dancing
    -ready for something new and exciting that ignites her soul fire
    -beyond ready to reveal more of her true nature to herself, her wild self, her beautiful feminine wisdom that resides in her body
    -feeling courageous enough to face & digest unprocessed emotions that have covered her hidden gems for far too long
    -appreciates silliness and sacredness


    -learn to centre and ground
    -access tools of transformational alchemy for emotional processing
    -empower the inner soul fire
    -open her heart
    -embody and express truth
    -open the gateway to inner vision
    -gain practical tools for connecting to and embodying divinity

    5) HOW:

    -A journey through the chakras.
    Each chakra will have a video, music playlist with my voiceover guidance, journaling exercise and PDF for printing.
    -breath exercises
    -meditative dance journeys
    -playful & potent informative videos
    -gorgeous, informative emails that are simple and medicinal through their creative beauty & spirited artistry


    -gorgeous, enticing, playful, potent, fun, funny, curious, courageous, wise, strong, empowered, free


    Christy Greenwood

    Rainbows are a part of nature and the
    wild, wilderness. I will work on bringing that together more too. Thanks!


    Lorraine Watson

    @christy – thanks for reposting the background. Depending on your audience, using the word “chakra” specifically could bring a lot of clarity as to what your course is about. (eg. when I think of rainbows, my first association is unicorns.) Another question is whether or not rainbows or chakras need to be included in the tagline. It seems to be more of a how than a result. If your audience is specifically attracted to chakra work then the how is important to mention. If they are attracted to the result, it is less important.

    Some words that really stood out for me that connected with rewilding:

    transformation is tangible
    soul fire
    ready to reveal [the] feminine wisdom that resides in her body
    life force energy that ignite the soul fire

    My personal take is rewilding, dance and soul fire have a really strong connection. Have you tried played around with incorporating more of the aspects of dance, transformation and soul fire in your theme / tagline?


    Christy Greenwood

    I haven’t wrote my tagline yet. This were just the themes.
    I am still working on my tagline. Just playing around with it.

    Thanks for your feedback! I feel like Rainbow Portal is a bit
    too “hippy” for my ideal client anyway. It’s more the background theme.
    Yes, chakras will be on the sales page at the beginning.
    Not sure if it will be in my tagline. I’ll lean into that.
    My tagline will be more of a “result” and those words you pointed out are a key in
    gathering my tagline together.

    Just playing with it and haven’t nailed it down. Alchemy is a big part of it.

    Thanks for sharing the words that stuck out for you @lorrainewatson 🙂


    Christy Greenwood

    Regarding theme, I’m thinking “Discovering Hidden Treasures” is a better background theme.
    Working on tagline now…will share soon!


    Christy Greenwood

    @lorrainewatson , I have loads of other words and phrases to go on that I don’t have written here.

    Rewilding From Within – Dance Yourself Free

    I feel like my tagline will become clear as I continue to create.

    Options (so far):

    Root into the earth, blossom towards the sun and get your transformational groove on. (too long, good for sales page)

    An alchemical journey into the mystery. (not result focused though)

    A ceremonial journey into your hidden treasures.

    A sacred journey into your alchemical groove. (fun!)

    Get your alchemical groove on and journey into tangible transformation.

    None of these are “IT”. Still playing…..


    Christy Greenwood

    A journey of tangible transformation that will ignite the soul fire of awakening explorers. (waaaay to long…) continuing to work on this!

    A journey for explorers who love to get their transformational groove on.

    Igniting the soul fire of the awakened woman.

    Igniting the soul fire through tangible transformative chakra journeying….

    ugh! Will keep chipping away.


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    I like the theme of “uncovering hidden treasures”
    There is nothing hippy about that and it can resonate with a lot of people. People love treasures. There could be a treasure they discover for each chakra maybe. It could motivate people into action as we all know we have treasures hidden within.
    Hope this helped.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Christy, this is all looking great.

    I think something around a “dance journey through the chakras” should be a part of the tagline. That talks about the what. Now what is the transformation?



    Aloha, Christy! I have to agree with Lorraine, you seem to come alive when talking about re-wilding, nature, dance and then fall flat when you force it into the rainbow chakra idea. The hidden treasures sounds too campy and gender neutral to me. When you wrote about your “who” you steam up when you get to the real meat of who you are aiming this at, [women] who are beyond ready to reveal more of her true nature to herself…” You go on to use more words like wild and I really hear this as what dancing is for you. The chakra part is not resonating right now because you haven’t yet reconciled these two aspects of what your doing for yourself. Can chakra work also be wild and primal? Journeying through the 1-3 chakras would especially be, but maybe that is something to mention in the more in-depth info on your course, if you can’t find a way to tie it in. My thoughts are that chakra work is one of your tools, but your theme is primal, raw, uninhibited, lions and Tigers, Making love in the jungle kind of stuff and that is what will appeal to your who and to you!


    Lorraine Watson

    @alexiscox – “your theme is primal, raw, uninhibited, lions and Tigers, Making love in the jungle kind of stuff and that is what will appeal to your who and to you!” – now that connects with a big B.A.M.!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide


    I really feel like “Journey through the Chakras” should be a part of it. Didn’t you come up with some taglines last year Christy?

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