New Home Forums Weekly Coaching Sessions Jan 1st: "Create things people like. Seek to Delight. Schedule Management.

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 7 years, 7 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide


    1:00 Elijah’s video gets high praise!

    6:15 Andy comes through with the CRACKLIN’ CAMPFIRE!!

    6:20 A re-cap on the GEA Birthday Email Series. Guys are having a blast making their “Walk in the Park”.

    10:20  Andy gives us a sneak peak and it’s BRILLIANT!!!!! So AWESOME GUYS!!!

    26:00 No need to shove opt-ins down throats. Create things people like and they will want MORE of it.

    27:55 Brad: “Seek to Delight!”

    28:40 Andy says there’s a BIG IDEA-a-BREWIN’….such a TEASE!!!

    30:30 Brad tells us about “Michael on the Mountain”! GEA-er taking the left-brained subject of Architecture and making a very fun, right-brained course of it!

    32:54 Bobby Jo asks “what about a freebie with no required opt-in?”

    37:35 Bobby Jo arrives in Audio-only mode for some coaching around her website and freebies.

    54:00 Andy reveals his love for FIZZLE..(hmmm, seems I’ve heard this from him before?) Seriously, check it out!!

    55:50 Less focus on list-building, more focus on creating transformational, valuable content WORTH SHARING.

    59:05 Andy: Having conversations with ideal clients or customers to mine for golden “truth” nuggets..

    1:02:00 Brad suggests a survey to get the conversation ball rolling.
    Andy: “When you know who you’re talking to, you can talk to them properly.”

    1:03:55 If you have 10 conversations, you’ll catch a common theme that might work for your Headline/Tagline.

    1:05:05 Great inspiration from The Andy: what he’s learned about creating things .. “some of it will work, most wont. Don’t take it personally or get discouraged. Take what works and just KEEP GOING!”

    1:08:00 Labor of Love…falling in love with your bigger vision!

    1:12:00 Elijah asks B and A how they juggle a crazy schedule?!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas


    Thank you SO much!!! Very grateful to have this recording and that it didn’t have an echo on it. Live- it was very hard for me to hear and respond as it was echoing your voices and mine (that’s why I was very quiet- trying to decipher every word).

    You’re feedback (as always) is INVALUABLE to me. I am ever so grateful for your support, help and belief.

    I re-listened and took many notes. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome Bobbie Jo. We’re super stoked for your gratitude and excitement. We love seeing you and everyone else evolve, just as we’ve been too. It’s really really fun!

    Keep kickin ass and send us an updated version when you get there.

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