Setting the scene for the month’s challenge project:
Who: smart, witty people-helpers who want to learn nonwoowoo ways to improve people’s lives.
What: the essentials of coaching — facilitating change in others (not pushing, telling, or even guiding).
Why: there are lots of well-meaning folks whose help is often them telling others what to do rather than honoring the wisdom and resources we each have.
Transformation: from a consulting listener who “helps” to a facilitating coach who creates an environment for people to grow in their own ways.
How: giving actionable lessons around the core skills of coaching (listening, questioning, etc) that reinforce the success factors in the coaching relationship (rapport, state management, and focus on client outcomes).
Vibe: quirky, space cadet setting (tied into the ISA) with a cartoony feel to balance the seriousness of the topic.
Thanks, Sue-Ann. Will keep everyone up to date as things come together over the next month!
Brad, that’s the whole point of this project — there isn’t a place for you to sign up yet! I’ll make sure you’re one of the first to hear when it is built.