New Home Forums Course Creation Resources iOgrapher – video with iPhone, iPad

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  sharon Lock 8 years, 10 months ago
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    Deb Robson

    Last weekend at a “summit” for instructors on the platform, I was introduced to the iOgrapher. It’s a case that snaps to an iPhone or iPad to make it easier to use these as primary video tools. The case has handles, and can be attached to a tripod, and has cold shoes for mounting lights and mics. ALSO it has a threaded portion that permits the attachment of different types of lenses!

    There’s a bit of confusion about the word “case” on the site, because it can refer either to the black iOgrapher tool that is an accessory to the iPhone or iPad, or to a padded case for carrying the iOgrapher tool, mics, lights, etc.

    There are cases for iPad Airs and minis and regulars. BUT the iPad mini case does not fit the original iPad mini (which knocks out my option there) or the new mini 4.

    There are cases for iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S. The 5S is my current tool, although my iPad mini has four times the storage space.

    They have mics and lights and other things, along with notes about appropriate cables to connect to the iDevice.

    There are also packages that give some discounts. Fortunately, if one upgraded one’s iDevice, everything except the tool-specific black case (~$50) and perhaps a cable or two (~$7) can be shifted to a new set-up.

    Simply the ability to mount to a tripod and have a mic connection would be big plusses for me. Seriously thinking about this.





    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    This is freaking AWESOME! I think I may just need to get one of these kits. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing 🙂


    Deb Robson

    {laughing} My reaction exactly, Andy.


    Sharyn Warren

    Just looked at these–great kits! Thanks for sharing this, Deb.


    Chris Gilmour

    I found a great review on the IOGRAPHER and some of the features you can add to it. The video also talks a bit about the iPhone 6 features as well


    sharon Lock

    Wow… Great share. Thanks

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