New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation Introverts in an extroverted world

16 replies, 11 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 6 years, 11 months ago
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    Akasha Madron

    Wow, I’m so glad I stumbled onto this thread!  I’ve also been struggling with my introvert tendencies so that I can move forward in my business and with my ecourse.  I talked a bit about it in the last coaching call.  I’ve been realizing that I set up my previous business so that I work out of my home and talk on the phone.  I do some in person one-on-ones, but work with 95% of my clients over the phone.  No visuals, just audio.  It has been the perfect way of working for me.  But all of that is changing.  My new business will entail going out and talking  or teaching in front of groups again.  Something I haven’t done for the last 17 years.

    The funny thing is, back in the 80’s, I used to make my living teaching out of people’s living rooms.  I had 4, 6 week classes going and a few weekend workshops going all of the time.  For me it is the marketing and PR and putting my SELF out there.   Conveying the information is a piece of cake, but putting more of me and my beliefs and feelings in the mix is the scary part for me.

    At the core of boundaries and protection, my ecourse and new business topic,  is trusting in one’s self.  To help people get there I have to trust them too.  To show I trust them, means being vulnerable about my inner self.  I keep watching Brene Brown’s, The Power of Vulnerability TED talk.  It’s helped a lot.

    I have read, “Quiet.”  It is on my bookshelf.  I loved it!  I have to re-read it,  because it has been awhile.

    I loved reading what everyone wrote earlier, it is very inspiring.

    I can’t wait for Andy to create the user groups so we can have an introvert/ambivert focused one.



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Funny. I already set up the tribes feature with an Introvert tribe and was just waiting for the right time to roll it out.

    Here ya go 🙂

    Tribes link is now in left menu for easy access…


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