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May 21, 2016 at 8:28 am #23009
So after a large interval of silence – in which time I went to Budapest in Hungary and worked in a refugee kitchen in France – I am finally plucking up the courage to share the two courses I have been working on and welcome any feedback.
I don’t know why it has seemed so hard to share any of this. A few times I have started writing out the themes on here and then just turned to jelly and deleted it. But no more!
The two courses – there are actually 3 – but will just share two.
The first ecourse will be called Interval Oracle
THE TEMpLE OF SOUND by The Interval Oracle
The therapeutic use of musical intervals or what can happen when two notes get together.An idea temple area artefacts from crete music from occipital grrove or tiamat (from an album I made – Central part of the site and the course is a large tree like Sophocles taught under in ancient Greece. my students will sit under it – the tree will sing and tone and my students will be able to tone with the tree to learn what the intervals sound like.
There will be 7 modules each exploring a different interval, one a week, both the sound , the technicalities of pitching, and all the therapeutic uses. Each note will have its own colour and each module will be a synthesis of the two colours of the two notes we will be using. I will use colour visually to explain the concept of of overtones – Kandinsky always maintained that colour was visible sound.
Each module will have a different colour combination to represent the two notes dancing together.
There will be an immersive sound file for each person to tone with for each interval, and some basic pitching lessons – so it will be experiental. I will invite people to journal with using the intervals.
There will be la fun little pitching quiz to teach people how to recognise them
There will also be a short informative lesson with the introduction of each interval which will touch on
:the spiritual devotional aspect of music. How music spiritualises the body. How does music spiritualise the body. Use classical indian writings.
:the shamanic aspect of sound.
Explain the magic carpet of overtones.And i will share lots of stories about sound drawn from 35 years of teaching and using sound
I also have something written as to why musicians make better lovers – just in case people need reminding about how amazing pitching and toning is for the brain and when combined with spiritual meditative practice the sky is the limit!
I will need to make a simple moving mathematical figure for each course – any ideas – can I just do that with photoshop? or maybe I should hire Andy Freist to do all the tech stuff heh heh
The second course is an Ethical Priestessing Course:
Priestessing 101: a comprehensive guide to ethical priestessing –
How to put Love in Action…when politics meet spirituality:Tired of heteronormative, cis gendered, middle class, white able-bodied non inclusivity within the Priestess/Goddess movement then this is for YOU!
Scratching your head and haven’t got a clue what all this tiresome “pc” stuff means and how it is even relevant?
Then this is for YOU!
Welcome to the ethical Priestess where we navigate round these seemingly difficult issues in a light hearted yet informative way.I will probably keep nine modules – eight for the directions and one for the centre and will have a medicine wheel. People will visit each direction.
Spiritual Power – how it operates and how to use it consciously and wisely.
Just One femininity: stereotypes of gender and its impact.
lesbian/queer invisibility in the Goddess movements and its impact.
Subtle Racism – the aw we are not racist – you are being too sensitive – story and how to work with it.
The Fall of the TEMPLES – help I’m being triggered!
How to celebrate Diversity and inclusivity.
Where are my politics?
Bustin the perfection myth.
Transforming your practice.
I only have the content for this and not the imaginative vehicle for transmitting it yet apart from the medicine wheel.
Aright then thanks guys for your constant input and improvement of this e adventure xxxx
May 23, 2016 at 7:10 pm #23220Hey! First I had to say that I know what you mean about feeling weird putting the course ideas out there–I keep running into walls of fear I had no idea that I had built for myself thought this whole process! Way to go for posting anyway 🙂
The music course sounds super cool! It reminds me of my childhood best friend who has synesthesia, the condition where your brains wires are crossed and you see sound in colors or tastes, and feel music, etc. And the rest of the offerings sound full-bodied and fun, great for kinesthetic learners.
The second course is possibly even cooler! Can’t wait to see what grows from these idea seeds 🙂
May 24, 2016 at 12:57 pm #23329Wow @calliope6, both of these sound amazing! I love how immersive the student experiences sound.
For the sound one, I’m curious how you envision the actual lessons looking at this point?
I so appreciate you sharing your ideas around the campfire. It’s so beautiful to witness the unfolding since Basecamp!
Let us know if you have any questions for @andyfreist or I.
May 24, 2016 at 1:33 pm #23333Hi Caro,
So exciting to see your course ideas! Kudos to you for being brave and sharing them.
I love the sound (ha!) of the sound course. Like @jescantonelli, I immediately thought of the links to synaesthesia (which I have too!). It feels like this could be a really immersive course for the senses.
I also REALLY like the idea of teaching under the tree, Sophocles-style.
The whole diversity angle of your second course really speaks to me too. It’s so hard to find non-dominant representations of society in online education. This feels really important.
Which course are you feeling drawn to as a priority?
May 26, 2016 at 1:50 pm #23548hello @lisa.russel thanks for your lovely feedback. I did wonder if the ethical priestess course was a bit too ‘worthy’ for a course!
Yes diversity stuff is often very absent yet people turn off very quickly about stuff that can been deemed “pc” because it can all feel very problematic pandoras box style to navigate sensitivities and easy road to being neurotic imho! I will aim to strike a balance – so the Ethical Priestess course will be invitational and light hearted with serious stuff underpinning it.
I am not sure yet which one is calling me the strongest. I have a third one which is very fun and creative but I am not putting it in the mix yet in order to just try and focus on one of these two.
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May 26, 2016 at 1:56 pm #23550Hello @bradleytmorris thank you again for your enthusiasm and feed back 🙂
I am also curious as to how the Sound course will look. I mean I guess I have to find an animator – and then make you tube singing tree! Hmm. I kind of feel too scared to dare to visualise it as then I will not be able to achieve the level of perfection I want – yeah perfectionism it’s a nuisance – I am trying to befriend it. I AM TERRIFIED of making these courses – the words are one thing – but the rest of the shebang aaargh
Caro x
May 28, 2016 at 8:02 am #23711Caro, as a recovering perfectionist, the biggest defense I have found to my own tendancy to overthink and underact is this one concept:
<p style=”text-align: center;”>We are all gloriously fallible!</p>
Not only is it helpful for creating, it also is great for bypassing the “dragon” states generated inside over less than stellar interactions we may have with people.HTH
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