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1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Deb Robson 8 years, 10 months ago
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    Rodolfo Menjivar

    I haven’t picked a course name yet but I am moving forward and will come back to that

    I did do my moodboard today though and it was really fun and exciting. Getting a clearer picture of what I want this course to look like.

    The Start – Backround will be a remote harbor that gives the impression of beauty and isolation. Will let the people know that not many people journey to this land but for those that are courageous enough to enter will reap great rewards

    Physical Transformation Part #1 – Will be based at the bottom of a mountain. I envision a steep natural staircase going up the side of a mountain. Will get people physically prepared for what is to come.

    Physical Transformation Part #2 – Will be at a beautiful garden that has a quiet stream flowing through it – Perfect setting where people will learn the importance of filling up your body with natural, healthy foods and water.

    Mental Transformation Part #1 – Will be in a room of mirrors where you cannot hide from yourself. You will have to face yourself and your self-limiting behaviours. People will learn to accept and love themselves for who they are will receive tools to remind them of this fact for when life gets them down.

    Mental Transformation Part #2 – Will be on a platform next to a majestic waterfalls. There will be no distractions here. Only the sound of nature around you. Here people will learn about the benefits of Meditation and taking time to be quiet and still.

    Spiritual Transformation Part #1 – Here I envision people stumbling upon a mysterious cave that can seem scary at first glance. Here they will learn about Intuition and trusting themselves and following their hearts to lead them to safety.

    Spiritual Transformation Part #2 – Here I envision them entering a great hall or library similar to what people have pictured the Akashic Records Hall as.. Here people will learn about Synchronicity and The bigger picture. About how they are here for a reason and are being supported every step of the way. They are exactly where they need to be.

    Final Transformation – Here I picture them overlooking a deep, green and wonderful valley that has a very Ancient Temple in the middle. Just by looking they will be able to tell that this temple has not been visited in a long time. Upon entering they will meet a monk who will teach them about Harmony and Yoga as I believe Yoga incorporates the Physical, Mental and Spiritual into 1 harmonious act.

    Let me know what you guys think about all this. I really enjoyed this exercise as it helped me get a lot of clarity on how I want this to look. 🙂


    Deb Robson

    @rodolfomenjivar, this is sounding really appealing to me. Even without visuals, your atmosphere and progression are clear to me. I have a strong sense of *grace* throughout it all.

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