I will be your “guide or spiritual shepherd”
Between points will stay in a hostel,
Community area will be called muster points
Will have a passport that will be stamped each time you pass another point
Points will be called – border crossing – you will cross 3 “borders” to reach your final destination
There will be metaphorical roadblocks
1st module will be at the airport or dock where they are about to jump on a plane or boat to take them to where their journey will be begin.
2nd module will be called the Land of Physical Well Being
3rd module will be called the Land of Strength and Clarity
4th module will be called the Land of Synchronicity
5th module you will arrive at your Temple. ex Rodos Palace.
I am not 100% sold on the names for each “Land” yet. Just wanted to see what people think about the language for my theme. Thanks in advance
When you talked to me about your project, I had a totally different idea of what you would do. I was vizualising you travelling the world and making videos to extract some kind of wisdom from different ways of living that may inspire people.
To me, if you are making that kind of content, that will be interesting but it already does exist many things like that. You have a really good integrated knowledge about the experience you want to share with people. Keeping the same structure and content, you could find some countries, or people, or culture that are resonating with what you want to share or explain. Maybe you could teach your content but present some people you know that are inspiring you. Then, you define a different map, but still with the same inspiration. It would give some concrete in what you are saying, and at the same time, you could still imagine some fancy names for your pilgrimage map.